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I wonder if it also detects the rabidly political & religious?

Newly developed by the Zenit camera factory a machine to detect virus, toxins & other nasties in the air.

This Russian device can detect Covid-19 and other dangerous pathogens IN THE AIR (VIDEO) []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not sure the "Russian Times" gives 100% factual info.

If this does indeed detect airborne pathogens, one could just breath into it, and be checked for covid19 with an instantaneous reading.


AI could do that, quite easily, you just need to have a lot of data to train it.


I don't know about a political and religious detector but I once heard Billy Connelly demonstrate his arsehole detector. It was a pair of purple paisley pants he wore on stage and he said that if if he was walking around and heard people snicker at his pants, he knew immediately, arsehole 😂😂

That sounds like 'oor Billy. I used to see him when he was still pretending to be a folk singer but in reality was practicing to be a comedian. He didn't need purple pants in those days - he had ears, a nose & worked small rooms.

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