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Would you like to block me, too?

You may have followed the thread that contained the following, but in case you hadn't, I obtained a screen shot of it you can read here or go to her posts (here: "A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.") and read whatever may still be available there. I was reported and blocked by multiple people. You don't have to agree with my claim, afterall my "devil's advocacy" was even tempered by agreeing with her reason for being angry. However, if you agree that "toxic, abusive, ignorant asshole" is a fair characterization of me based on that thread, please feel free to hit that block button yourself. If not, I would appreciate your feedback or even a discussion about the initial topic.

LiterateHiker claimed that she blocked and reported me because I was violating standards by insulting members. Please assess for yourself who violated community guidelines.
She called me an ignorant, argumentative asshole.
Larimar called me an abusive asshole.
Not once did I call any of them any names and did nothing to deserve being blocked or reported. Needless to say, admin did not think I violated guidelines.

What I suspect happened was that she realized I was right, but after all her groupies started attacking me, she simply had to block me and claim I was being "toxic" and "tiresome" because she couldn't prove me wrong and couldn't just say nothing.

She also claimed I messaged her.
What actually happened was that she sent me a rude message about how she was going to block me. She then left me unblocked for an extended period of time waiting for me to read the message and respond, I assume so that she could post the message on her thread (which she did). Talk about taking things out of context. Saying I messaged her is a complete mischaracterization of what happened. I REPLIED to her. And even in that reply, I wasn't vulgar or rude like she had been. I simply stated my observation that she blocked me because she couldn't debate me. Then she sent another message that was even more rude and vulgar trying to goad me, which I ignored. Notice she posted my message, "You are only blocking me because you can't argue your way out of a paper bag." The only way I could have sent her a message about her intent to block me is if she messaged me to tell me she was going to, then waited to do it. You can't read or respond to messages from people who blocked you.


ChestRockfield 8 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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the only thing you're wrong about, is taking yourself as seriously as she takes herself. Its a personality disorder you don't want, no matter how attractive it seems, and how many people on this site are at least tinged with it. Stay strong.

Thank you. You're right. I contemplated just ignoring all of it, but this kind of thing keeps happening on this site (I'm not on any other social media, but I imagine it happens everywhere). Anyway, after I reread it and saw I wasn't even snarky (like I know I can be) I thought I was losing my mind that so many people agreed with her considering how irrational and nonsensical she was being. Hoping I can get anyone who would think she was in the right there to block me now in the hopes it will reduce the likelihood of this happening again or at least as frequently.

@JeffMurray theres some really good things about this site, but also some really bad ones.


I cannot read those screen shots on my phone - they are too small. I suggest that in future you do a simple "select all" and then mail it to yourself through the share facility or simply copy & paste into a database held by you.
It seems that you have encountered one of the many fragile egos who cannot allow being contradicted or questioned. There again she may have cognitive dissonance, be a troll, a misandrist or a gaslighter? Who knows? Who cares? Just give her my favourite song of the moment, wish her well & be glad that she has blocked you after proving herself to be rudely irrational-

Here's one for @LiterateHiker

Gaslight Pro




I would have preferred the lyrics to be gender neutral and I should point out that the lyrics given in the video are erroneous - it is "Pro" not road - isn't that in itself a wonderful gaslight? 😱😀

Oh, by the way you are in good company - she has also blocked me - I cannot even remember her interacting with me. As for the group she has blocked you from simply form your own group to cover the same topic.


Here are smaller cuts of that screenshot. It appears you can't see the large ones.


Apparently, you don't understand the use of apparently...

I'm fine with you not agreeing about the nuances of that discussion; as I said, I agreed with her and was just playing devil's advocate. But do you think my conduct was deserving of being reported for banning or broke community guidelines?

@JeffMurray it doesn't really matter what I think is appropriate or deserving of being reported.. That's a personal call on her part. As for blocking , anyone can block anyone else for any reason. It's a personal choice... And since admin made his decision, all this is moot...


Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.

Very true. But did I deserve to be blocked or reported for my level of urination?

@JeffMurray I don't know if you remember that line from the Clint Eastwood movie Unforgiven. "deserves got nothing to do with it."

@JeffMurray The link in your post is no longer available, so the reporting aspect can't be judged.

When it comes to being blocked, AFAIK, there are no guidelines . . . so : 😛

@hankster I hear you there. People don't do anything the way they should based on fairness.

@FearlessFly I posted screenshots of the the entire thread.

@JeffMurray the expectations surrounding fairness and deserve are an illusion unless your playing checkers or tic tac toe, maybe then, but only maybe. peace.

@JeffMurray . . . they are not legible to me . . .

@FearlessFly I just realized that. I posted smaller segments. I am being told the original post is still up, so she may have blocked you, too.

@JeffMurray I went to look at all that mess between you and them other people. You lose in my opinion. The only thing hurt was your pride. You wanted my feedback there it is. I suppose that's what you get for asking. Please don't try and defend your actions. peace.

@JeffMurray On my desktop, I don't find a way to 'enlarge' any of those anywhere near legibility, sorry.

I was blocked by LH a few months ago, I thought my comments/responses were fairly innocuous (I don't do name-calling).

@hankster I would appreciate hearing your reasoning considering she was being vulgar and rude and I was just arguing a position that wasn't even my own.

@JeffMurray ain't fooling with it. You can't let it go. My reasoning is irrelevant. It's pretty clear that it doesn't matter what anyone says you can't hear it.

@FearlessFly Well, it kinda seems like you already know the score then. I've seen your responses countless times and not once have they come across as rude, vulgar, or deserving of banning/blocking. The fact that she blocked you as well means you probably challenged her in a way she was too fragile to handle and couldn't formulate a counterargument to. I posted the gist above. The photographic evidence, though unfortunately illegible to you, should at minimum suggest that I'm not lying about what transpired. If anyone would like them emailed, however, I could do that as well.

@hankster Except I'm asking to hear it... If you have a good reason, you should share it.

@JeffMurray no I shouldn't. you're not going to be happy until you hear what you want to hear and that ain't anything I've got to say to you. please don't persist. I'm asking nicely.

@hankster Not at all. Cutie stated it didn't matter what her thoughts were. I let it go. But you came out and said that in your opinion, I lose. If you're going to declare a verdict, I just think it would be nice if you'd at least explain why you sided that way.

@JeffMurray I really couldn't care less what you think I should do and I don't care why you think so. I have asked you nicely yet you continue this attempt to find some kind of exoneration. I suppose you'll have to find it elsewhere.

@hankster Can't say I didn't at least try to understand. Anyway, thank you for what you did share.

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