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I'm wondering how many of you believe that it is acceptable behavior to tresspass on private property for the purpose of stealing or vandalizing political campaign signs.

dumasarok 7 Aug 30

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Not private property, but public property is fair game. Signs on roadsides are illegal and I perform a public service by cleaning up the litter.

Of course you are right about public rights of way.
I did specify private property in the original post though. I should have made clear that I was referring to private single family residential property. Sorry for the omission.

@dumasarok I understood what you meant. I chose to comment on a slightly different angle. I acknowledged your qualification of private property.


It's interesting to me how partisan some of the comments are.
When these things are done I believe it to be a lack of civility exhibited by some people on both ends of the political spectrum.

Last month with an attempt at wry humor I placed a Bush-Chaney sign from the 2004 election in my yard.
It lasted less than 24 hours before it disappeared. Days later I found it's tattered remains down the road hidden in some brush.

I'm astonished and a little saddened that anyone could still be holding such hatred over an election that occurred 16 years ago.

I'm afraid that some of us truly are unhinged and it's scary to contemplate what these people are capable of. Democrat or Republican it makes no difference. When a person is radical it's similar to a cult.


Not acceptable, nor is placing a sign in a prohibited area, nor placing one without the property owners permission. For those of you that are unaware, most states prohibit the placement of signs on public right of way, which is from fence line to fence line, the railroads generally prohibit placement of signs on their right of way.

In my area, you cannot place signs between the sidewalk and the street, which is where the buried gas lines, electrical lines, sewer pipes, etc. are. This is so the area is accessible to service crews. That area belongs to the city, even tho you are supposed to keep the grass mowed. Go figure.

@TomMcGiverin That is the law in most places, it is a safety concern and if you have seen the tire tracks that make it that far up, you understand.

@glennlab I do. It's disturbing that some people drive that far over the curb.

In my home state, nothing on public property; and, a size limit. In my new state, apparently anything goes! People have permanent shrines to trump! Massive signs, with flags … saw my first trump ‘above’ the US flag last week.. Oh, often with ‘confederate flags,’ too.

So, with locals plugging Republican candidate signs in at every intersection, obviously on ‘public property,’ I decided to ‘match them.’ Lots of effort, with the usual precarious vehicle moves.. But I matched em!

...some may have lasted a day, some a couple.. Usually, by 3 days ‘ours’ were gone. Sure, some local facebook whining, but again, no respect for fairness, no ethics or decency from the opposition - period -- had someone tell me, “You do know, you’re in the South.”

@Varn We had the local republican party complain that some of our signs were in the right of way. The city called us and we moved them, they sent a crew out 24 hours later and removed every sign that was in the right of way and sent a bill to the county parties for the removal. Our bill $0, the republicans had at least 3 pickup truckloads removed, they thought the law didn't apply to them since they had been the ones to point out the violation.

@glennlab The R’s back home would plaster highway right of ways ..maybe a week before the election, realizing it would likely take a month for the authorities to actually remove them. ...with the help of my wife, our van, and an early civics lesson for the kids … I recycled a lot of signs that season!

I’d done signs for the good guys so long.. ..we’d have yearly gatherings of state party officials and candidates where all I’d do is line the entry walk with a couple decades worth of ‘our people,’ hang out with a friend (no interest in the official doings inside), then hall em home afterwards. Always a hit, I’m told some folks would come to tears.. Others wanted to purchase some! Nope, those dudes were hard earned 🙂

@Varn Determining who the "good guys" are is highly subjective. It depends on your point of view and the value judgements you make.

@dumasarok No, spotting the good guys (& gals) is not that difficult. Defeating the bad ones is..


I don't even believe it is acceptable behavior to put campaign signs in your yard in the first place. Gross.


Vandalizing and stealing campaign signs tends to be a Repub thing because Repubs are more likely to be chickenshit bullies who want to muzzle their opposition, but don't have the guts to do it to their face. They are more likely to be sneaky about breaking the law and practicing a philosophy of "It's not wrong or immoral if you don't get caught".

I think it was Al Bundy who said "it's only cheating - - -if you get caught". One of his funnier lines!

@dumasarok I also think it's sort of like Nixon's thinking after getting caught on Watergate, " If a president does something, then it must be legal".. Al Bundy, my sometime alter-ego, as far as the times I feel like I've lost my will to live....but then I think of Al and realize my life could be worse.. I could be married to Peg and have two kids that want to kill me in my sleep for the insurance money...


Not I ...says the sign guy.... But are you sure it’s ‘private property?’ Of course the crass Republican scum would remove our signs from wherever they felt they could get away with it.. But what irked me was when they began attempting to ‘enforce’ the removal of ours because they were ..3 feet inside a ‘public right of way.’

Lots of ‘sign war’ stories… but I really noticed when the Democratic party was, or had changed.. ..when our female leaders would say things like, “Oh well,” “At least we’ve higher standards” … upon hearing another of our 4X8’ highway signs had been chopped to pieces by the R’s.. Guess they weren’t the ones risking their lives and vehicles putting them up..

So, when it reached the point of too much ..theirs began disappearing, too. Big ones, large enough to roof a school bus stop, or outbuildings.. What I’ve noticed - to this day - are Democrats playing by rules no longer obeyed by their opposition - and no longer enforced by those that opposition places in power to ‘enforce or interpret’ them. You match the intensity of your opposition, or suffer under them..

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

It's illegal.. Stop doing it...


I would not take nor vandalize anyone's property.

I have had my signs stolen though.


It's illegal but typical of Republicans

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 30, 2020

I'd never heard of a Republican sign getting stolen in my area. When I was county democratic chair most people had to get 3 signs during the election in order to have one up most of the time. Our large sign on the interstate with changed from the word democrats to the word the rats. A sign my husband and i put out on highway 102 was torn down 3 times. It started out as a 2 by 4 sign on steel fence posts and ended up as a 4 by 8 sign attached to telephone polls wrapped in barbed wire. They eventually got all of them.


Nope, I don't and won't. It's a big thing here, tho. When I put my political signs up, I put them around my agaves so would-be thieves get a momento when they try to steal them.

The jerks around here with this destroy the plants as well.

@Lorajay That's so shameful! And speaks to what kind of people they are. It gives me some satisfaction that my agaves will impale them with hundreds of needles if they even get close, so they'll be scratching themselves for a long time.


Yeah, like i would admit that in writing.......


Not for any of that at all, that kind of behavior is not okay.


Is that a thing? Stealing signs? Sounds like the Houston Astros.

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