I'm sorry there are only two choices.
Because these are the basis of any economy just like the 0,1 in programming, everything beside that is at real a mixture of both.
I disagree. There are only two answers because of power and money. We all need to broaden our thinking.
I think the Democratic Socialism in Northern Europe, where people are happier than here in the U.S. and where although they have higher taxes, after the taxes and livign expenses are paid,t hey still have more discretionary money left over than that vast majority of most Americans, has proved to be superior.
Capitalism isn't necessarily the best system but it's not the worst. A great man once said "If you took all the wealth in the world and divided it up equally to everyone who lives today. Within 20 years the rich would be rich again and the poor would be poor again". I know this isn't true for all individual cases but generally it is on the money (joke).
Human beings don't work unless they see a reward. Money is the measure of the work you have done. Without it we would live in a terrible world. Money isn't the root of all evil or even an evil in itself. It is just an unbiased measure of work.
Also there is no best system for humans. Different cultures have different requirements. Democracy works in some countries but not in others. When you need a strong leader to protect the people from terrorism, it would be better to have a so called dictator. I reference Libya, Iraq and Syria as prime examples.
I myself think that overall Canadian Semi-Socialism is the best system for the most people.........
Canada is consuming what had accomplished in many decades as soon as there will be nothing to spend the bubble will blow into the faces of the canadian. Remember these words.
Neither. Whatever system designed for the benefit of the citizens would eventually become corrupt.
Where there are opportunities there are opportunists.
Where there are government interventions there would corruption,dysfunction and ultimately failure.
Explaining the difference between oligarchy, socialism and communism, the short version:
Oligarchy assumes that most, if not all the profits should go to the owners, investors and managers of a business. Such a society will tend to cut taxes on the rich, who control government, leaving lower wage earners to pick up the slack.
Communism assumes that most, if not all of the profits should go to the workers who create those profits through their labors. However it does this by having the State taking ownership of the businesses, which then pays the workforce wages, in theory with everyone more or less earning the same wage as everyone else. No need for taxation here as the bulk of the profits go to the government.
Socialism assumes that everyone involved in a business is contributing towards its success, therefore everyone involved from the CEO to the janitor should get their fair share of the pie.
Socialism it should be pointed out still allows for higher pay for CEO's, etc, for example, it just doesn't let them have the whole pie because they didn't do it all by themselves. That's why socialists value and discuss concepts such as social justice, things like allowing a full time worker to earn a living wage because no business has the right to exist if it cannot, or will not pay an honest days wage for an honest days work. In other words, they are trying to create a just society, in which higher wage earners pay higher taxes and lower wage earners pay lower taxes, which taxes are then used to fund such aspects of national infrastructure as education, health care, emergency services, roads, national defense and so on. Quite a reasonable goal and objective if you ask me.
Great job in describing. Bravo!
I have a question. Why do the higher wage earners have to pay more taxes than the lower wage earners towards infrastructure, education, health care, emergency services, roads , national defense and so on? Both get the exact same privileges but one pays more than the other. I've never understood the more you make the more you pay tax system. Why educate yourself for better pay? Why invest in our country's businesses only to pay even more tax? When it comes to infrastructure everyone that benefits should pay equal amounts. Treating one group of people differently than another is discrimination by definition.
Bucky let me explain in simple terms, when 1% of the population own 50% of the resources, then they must be responsible for at least 50% of the taxes. Of course there is more to it then that, far too much to cover in a message or two, if you want full understanding you'd need to do a degree in economics, however it is demonstrably true that economies with higher taxes on the rich do significantly better than those who don't.
Geophriis I understand your point but don't agree with it. Using your example if I was the one percent that owned fifty percent of all assets and was forced to pay fifty percent of the infrastructure bill while the other NINETY NINE PERCENT pay only a fraction of one percent but enjoyed the same benefits I would simply pick up my assets and relocate to a more friendly atmosphere and leave them to pay their fair share without me. Which is exactly what's been happing in the US for years. I ride by empty production plants and wharehouses in my hometown every day for this very reason. I am a firm believer in a flat tax for all individuals. Business taxes obviously need to be looked at in a different way. I am anxious to see what effect this new tax bill will do to our businesses and economy as a whole. The anticipation seems to have stimulated the market. What are your thoughts?
Back when high wage earners paid higher taxes, America built up the strongest economy the world has ever known, grew the largest middle class, and built the strongest industries in the world. Since 1980 the United States abandoned all that, we now have the lowest taxes on the rich in the world, forcing the less well off to pick up the slack, and THAT'S why you find yourself driving past empty production plants and warehouses Bucky. One only has to compare the economic success of blue States with the economic failures of the red States, which have to then be subsided by the successful Blue States like New York and California through the federal government to see it.
In practice when the rich pay higher taxes the economy flourishes, leading to people spending more money, which gives the rich people the opportunity to earn yet more money. The reality is no wealthy person has ever been made poor by high taxation of the rich, however in economies where the rich are not being taxed at a higher rate than everyone else, economic growth is stifled and the poor get poorer while the rich get richer.
Hi geophrii. In 1980 I was eight years old. Wasn't paying a whole lot of attention but I do know some of those buildings I'm talking about were being built. Some had been there for years. We had shirt and sock production plants, plants that built stereo speakers, ceiling tile and a delco remy plant where my brother worked that built starters for every Chevrolet vehicle built. Plus the were small support businesses every where. All those jobs paid well. Thousands of good jobs in and alot of TAX dollars collected. Goods times the best I remember. I can tell you exactly when everything went bad because I was in the work force by then and paying close attention.On December 8 1993. Prior to that every plant I just mentioned was in full operation, in just a few short years after that date every one was closed. On that date the worst mistake ever made by a president, Bill Clinton ( a democrat ) was signed into law. NAFTA. THATS why those buildings are empty. I'll give you one guess where every one of those plants are today. Hmmmmmm. Do you think they may have left for tax reasons.To make things worse the illegal workers came in by the thousands. Myself and my employes have felt the damage they cause first hand. It's hard to compete with a contractor that can employ three men for the same price as your one. The illegals around here work for cash only and don't pay any TAXES whatsoever. That has gotten a lot better since Trump. For the first time in over eight years they arrested about two hundred in one day. A lot fled fearing arrests. I disagree on your comment about success of the blue states. California is in debt $118.7 billion,Maine $1.2 billion, New York $58.3 billion, Hawaii $7.7 billion, Illinois 35.5billion and the list goes. This alone says a lot about democrat leadership. Obama created more debt than every president before him. Obama is the largest reason I believe we have a republican in office today.
I don't have a economic degree but I do have good eyes and memory. I just believe every one should pay the same
Bucky, I agree that the Clinton administration did a lot of harm sucking up to the American oligarchy, NAFTA to be sure, the deregulating of Wall Street and eliminating glass-steagall not to mention allowing the private prison industry to bring back slavery through the back door so that American workers had to complete with slave labour in the United States is just some of what went wrong.
I know you think Trump is wonderful, I take a different view of him, I recognize that his focus on immigrants may appeal to you, but frankly that's ineffectual window dressing, he's not dealing with the real issues. I'm sure we will have to agree to disagree about that, but I propose a simple scientific experiment, I predict (and if I'm right about not trying to fix things by handing control over to an oligarch, which as far as I'm concerned is like handing control of a bank to a Bank robber), I predict that when Trumps presidency is over, those factories and warehouses will still be closed and the blue States will still be subsidizing red states.
I think your right my friend, were just gonna have to agree to disagree, on some points. Only time will tell about Trump but I would like to say I don't think he is wonderful only some of his ideas. Choosing to support him is a hard thing to do when you only agree with him on a few points and he's an asshole. The hardest decisions for me to make are those that I believe are only fifty one percent right. He gives his party a bad name with his comments. As to blue subsidizing red i guess your talking tax dollars collected vs dollars spent. If your looking for a dollar for dollar ratio then why pay federal taxes at all. That depends on what the money is being spent on in my opinion. Do you know? I really don't. If it's entitlements such as welfare, healthcare,.. etc then it's kind of ironic because it's always the dems who increase those amounts and CLAIM their for the poor,(even though they are the richer states) now vote for me. Now that they see their getting stuck with more of the bill they want to change the rules. On the other hand if it's for some some type of tangiable necessary infrastructure who cares what state the money is being spent in? North Dakota is getting a lot money right now and I can only assume it's for the oil fields. If it is that fine with me, it's kept our fuel prices down lately. I live in a red state and disagree in how taxes are collected and spent from the local level all the up. That's what started our conversation. Treat everybody equal.
What do think of our markets? Setting up for failure? Buy ? Sell?