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LINK Parts Of Trump's Border Wall Are Already Crumbling To Pieces - YouTube

Exposed as a scam, already, due to shoddy construction. Who would have guessed?

EdEarl 8 Sep 6

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Humpty Trumpty wanted a wall
But Trumpty's barrier started to fall
May all Humpty's mates and all his "yes men"
Never get voted to office again.

The Orange Ogre would play with balls,
But he is strung between white walls,
Which are infested by wicked slugs,
And maybe full of wreckful bugs.


I always wonder what the cheetos take was on this, I mean dollar wise?He does not do anything unless he can make a buck or two on it.

They don’t call him a ‘grifter’ for nothing! Lol

@Freedompath I would think the fact that it is falling apart is a sign that it was not built to keep anyone out it was built to transfer money from one person to another. Follow the money.

@dalefvictor he gave a contract to people who will ‘owe’ him a favor, that is how trump does all his ‘commerce!’


About 600 miles of border has been built. But less than 50 is attributal to trump. Most of the work on the border wall has been in repair and replacement of already existing barrier, funded by Obama in his last term.


The only thing that would make this story a ‘grand slam’ is, if trump was doing an inspection on his handiwork, when the wall came tumbling down! 😈


Maybe he'll get Mexico to put it back together.

Oh, yes. I forgot they paid for it🙃

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