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LINK Oklahoma City Police shot each other trying to shoot a black teenager – Amahlaya

From the article...

...Ray(not his real name) was running from the police after a squad car pulled over next to him while he was walking home from the Apple store. He heard the officer say “suspect is in the position of the stolen phone and he looks armed and dangerous”.

The 18-year-old said he just bought the phone 15 minutes earlier and when he heard that the officer assumed he was armed he decided to run for his life because he did not want to be in the presence of police officers who assumed he was armed and dangerous...

...His parents later took him to the police station where they learned that the real criminal he was mistaken for was apprehended and he was not black...

snytiger6 9 Sep 8

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Great story for them to tell their grandkids:NOT...


Regular keystone cops


I guess these cops were asleep during the ethics training at the academy. Providing there is such a class.


Holy crap.. Cops are stupid.. Not all..

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