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School cancelled because of no internet or electricity due to wildfires.

Eastern Washington cities of Pateros and Brewster have had no power or internet for a week. Temperatures are in the 90s and 100s. Why no power?

Over 200 telephone poles were burned up by wildfires. New telephone poles will have to be purchased, shipped and installed and electric lines strung. This takes time.

"Bonney Lake and Sumner schools are cancelled because of no internet service and spotty electricity due to wildfires," I heard on National Public Radio news this morning. These cities are in Western Washington.

It infuriates me that most of the Washington wildfires are human-caused.

Smoke is so thick that Lady Godiva could ride through the streets without the horse seeing her in parts of Washington State.


Many cars on Wenatchee Avenue were driving with headlights on Monday afternoon in downtown Wenatchee. Smoke from area fires settled into the valley on Monday, downgrading air quality to "unhealthy" levels. We are surrounded by wildfires.

With asthma, I must not hike or run outdoors in the smoke. Feel like a trapped animal.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I live about two hundred years from the Columbia River which is about four miles wide if not further. I went outside, feeling terrible today, to get the mail and I cannot see the river for the smoke in the Air,


With wildfire smoke, I wear an N-95 or triple-layer mask.


They can’t do class by mail? Oh, wait... that would cause massive homework fraud.


It all just sucks, I just hope you folks can stay safe.


and cops caught someone setting fire in a median.....


That's right where I grew up.


Where did you grow up?

@LiterateHiker Grand Coulee Dam.


WOW how bad wild fires are getting,,You becareful and take good care of your self as it sounds you are ,Happy you are not hiking at the moment one never knows where a fire will flare up


A true no-win situation.


If the covid is not bad enough but now also the fires.


This is so tremendously sad, and overwhelming as well. I hope you and everyone else affected by this tragedy stay safe.

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