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Of COURSE it was ''actively scavenging the remains." That's what bears DO! Typical of humans to kill the animal for being exactly what evolution programmed it to be!


My First Job away from home was living in a cabin outside of Gatlinburg and driving a van down from The Smokey Mountain Candy Kitchen" to deliver candy to the valley Knoxville. I never saw a bear, and we lived out in the woods next to a stream.




So much for this healthy outdoor Covid free activity.


It should say "bear eating a man". I was confused..

MsAl Level 8 Sep 14, 2020

Or bear-eating man...

@Cutiebeauty yes. It just reads like the guy is eating the bear.
Which would be a non story because people do that.
Funny how we are so divorced from the food chain that this seems incomprehensibly horrific.
Which it is, its awful..

This is why grammar is important.


Holy shit hazards of camping

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 14, 2020

I guess he was really j/k


It's sounds like the bear found the remains. It's doesn't sound like the bear killed the man and devoured him.

Yes, and then the bear got killed for making the most of the free grub. The world sucks. Another thing to put in my will, if a wild animal kills or eats me when dead already don’t kill it, it’s just being a wild animal.

@SeaGreenEyez, @girlwithsmiles Once wild animals get a taste for human flesh they become maneaters. That's why the bear had to be euthanized. It's only a bear. They should've made a rug out of him.

@barjoe If I’m dead already I have no issue with being eaten, sounds like a good way for my body to go on. I doubt that an opportunist bear would go on to kill next time, killing a human is another leap.

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