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I've been looking at carbon capture technology, and it doesn't look good thinking in the box.
The one that works best basically makes concrete but requires enough energy that it produces more carbon then it collects.
But the problem could be solved by using high efficiency ultra safe thorium fission molten salt reactors.
They can produce energy perpetually almost and there's enough thorium to run our civilization for 100,000 years.
Why not clean up our carbon foot print, and get mountains of concrete to build the new cities.

Willow_Wisp 8 Sep 16

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Fewer and fewer manufacturers use coal or oil fire to make their products while nukes have not switched to thorium because it is no safer than Chernobyl... wave solar and wind can make all our electricity atop rivers and ocean waves like Portugal does ... solar can make all the hydrogen we need for future vehicle fuel peace through Green jobs

Thorium MSRs don't use steam and are not under pressure, the safety factor is profoundly higher in MSRs than the bullshit steam systems that's the standard currently in use and gave us Chernobyl, it might help to have a clue before making stupid claims you can't back up.

@Willow_Wisp if thorium were so safe why has your delusion not resulted in massive investment and switching to thorium ???? There are thousands of Iowa windmills and only one nuke in Palo

@Larry68Feminist Public misinformation and fear. The same guy that invented the MSR also invented our old steam based power stations, He realized the design flaws and begged them to not use the steam design so they forced him to retire because they don't like to have more than one answer for anything.

@Willow_Wisp thank you for the honest reply .... who was the engineer who designed your two nuke types ? Fear of radiation is wise. Profiteers are the major source of "misinformation" while Green advocates want Green safe jobs and planet for everyone.... do you know the facts on Fort Calhoun Nebraska meltdown just 3 months after Fukishima ???????????????


@Willow_Wisp thank you for educating us .... IT IS time wasted not building the @InterstateTraveler hydrogen million miles of photovoltaic powering maglev trains and co-generating hydrogen fuel for personal/commercial off route travel IT IS the only sensible comprehensive national grid design meeting the needs of humanity with 100% safety ....

@Larry68Feminist There's no 100% safety, we just need to choose which will kill us slower, carbon based fuels or radiation, storage will prevent 100% solar reliance. It just is.

@Willow_Wisp more bullshit from you...hydrogen fuel cell vehicles expel pure water vapor 100% safely...we humans need to condemn fake contrived choices you propoind and promote Green technology peace through Green jobs


The newest generations of nuclear power plants are designed to utilize depleted uranium..of which we have tons.

The military uses depleted uranium inside artillery shells to give victims slow cancer after the nearby explosions

@Larry68Feminist I believe it's on the outside of bullets and shells to help penetrate any armouring..

@Charlene I suppose muzzle velocity and the extra heat on artillery projectiles are enhanced by uranium somewhat but the selling point to Congress by these brutal murderous weapons profiteers is to make "the enemy" sicker besides dead

@Larry68Feminist No, it's just that depleted uranium is heavier than lead, so the projectile can hold more kinetic energy, depleted uranium bullets hit faster and harder. That's all. The rest is just conspiracy theories.
If they could afford to make bullets out of Osmium because it's the heaviest of the heavy metals and if it had the right bullet properties they would use it.
The reason silver isn't used is because it's too light, the Lone Ranger would have been the crappiest gun fighter in the west because his ammo would be sub par even if it's pretty.

@Willow_Wisp I heard testimony in Congress for depleted uranium weapons making the enemy sick AND I PERSONALLY KNOW veterans my comrades with radiation poisoning handling the fucking weapons...."conspiracy theory" is standard CIA FBI branding against ANY truth telling person .... I am deeply disappointed YOU FOLLOW ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA tactics

California is phasing out ALL NUKES due to radioactivity routinely released and earthquake zone locations... most veterans and truck drivers who have been exposed VIOLATING OSHA RIGHTS TO KNOW are really pissed at idiot pro-nuke trolls and zionists supporting weapons proliferation profiteering

@Larry68Feminist are you equating my support of new gen nuclear power is pro weapons?


Molten salts are corrosive, and there is not much data on nuclear material for the long life times which would be needed for such a reactor.

Actually they built a prototype in 1969, the principles are simple, an accident like we saw in Ukrainian and Japan are simply not possible.
There's a profound amount of information on this technology.

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