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I am curious if anyone here believes in actual physical (body, car, etc) teleportation? Do you believe that it is possible, as some beings, such as Buddha were witnessed doing? Do you believe that it is possible for you?

Issa 5 Nov 26

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Yes. I have spontaneously teleported many times, but not purposely. My husband and I started out on trips to cities in another states several times, and about ten minutes after getting onto the interstate, we'd see the exit signs for our destination city.

We knew that people teleported in the Bible..Jesus, his disciples, etc., plus we'd heard stories from other missionaries about people teleporting while traveling to other towns, so we just shrugged and took it as a bonus.

For years, as long as my old car's speedometer didn't work, it only took 20-40 minutes to drive from our farm near Morehead, KY, to Lexington, KY, and Cincinnati, OH. I knew these trips were supposed to take several hours each, but it really didn't occur to me I'd been routinely teleporting until I bought a car with a working speedometer, and the trips reverted to taking hours.

Also, I was about to be hit head on by a monster wheel pickup truck on a narrow creek road near my place in Morehead, but suddenly was behind the truck. There was no time or room to get past him, since a deep creek was on one side of the road, and a ditch and cliff on the other.
Several of my friends, including a brother-in-law, reported similar experiences.

I posted these experience a few days ago but was mocked so viciously by so many people I became disillusioned with this website and the supposed "intelligence" of atheists, since many of them acted just like alt-right trolls.

Apparently those people don't believe Einstein..that everything is energy, that time and space is an illusion.

The one about the truck and your trips really makes sense to me. The time that I jumped from one town to the next after driving just 30 minutes I was in a rental car, so I did not 'know' what it's habits were. It makes sense that to suspend, or take away the speedometer would allow for your faith/belief to kick in and therefore make the 'event' more possible. Sometimes having too much information kills the spontaneity and 'magic' that is involved. I don't think that it is magic, so much as science that we do not understand fully yet. I am very grateful that you shared your experiences with me. It helps me to not 'mysticize' it so much and be frightened of it. It was completely safe and actually saved me, your story really helps, thank you.


Molecule by molecule teleportation always sounded like bs to me. I'm more of the open a worn hole persuassion.

I agree Agnostic Mr. molecule by molecule is b.s. A worm hole? Gosh, I don't know what that would 'feel' like experientially, but let's just say a single thought was enough. I can only describe it from being inside the event myself as I have actually experienced it on several occasions, thrice bodily and multiple times while driving. I joke about folding time when it happens, but that is not good enough as an explanation for me anymore, and I intend to find out what is going on with it as being 'in' an event is not enough to tell one how they 'did it'. There may be the hope there to be able to control it? But to fully understand it before I die is a big goal. I also know a scientist that it happened to but we have no 'data' on it other than a few ear markings. I am attempting to locate others who have experienced it for some hearty discussion.

think from a survivability perspective

@MrAgnostic Yes, both times that it happened to me bodily I believed that another person was about to do some real harm to me - I moved about 15' each time, but could observe what happened to the scene once I moved.... it was astounding as the other person was still staring at the same spot where I was initially and I was behind or away from them when I 'landed'. I was able to observe how long it took for them to notice that I had jumped. But, also I have done it whimsically in my car when not wanting to go over a rickety bridge, which was fine structurally, I just did not like the creepy feeling the bridge gave me while driving on it.


I will read the article and watch the video you provided and come back and discuss more 🙂


I believe it's possible. I've read a story about it. Funny thing I just saw this article this morning:


Have you read any of Greene's books?

No Mantra, I haven't, but I will check them out, thanks! I have had direct experience with these states and wonder if others have too.

I watched the video, but scientists still cannot achieve it without Scalar waves. Theta and Scalar waves are the same and can be experienced when sleeping and while in waking meditation. The Buddha is told to have teleported over a river by many followers, J.C is told to have walked on water and other 'miracles'. There is a reason behind it and the particles that Greene speaks of is just barely cracking the surface. Check out this article from Tom Kenyon in the link below. I am a Yogi, which means that I meditate. I became enlightened in 95 and right after that the experience teleportation began to happen to me.. it really freaked me out, but it happened. I cannot control it thoiugh. this article talks of a monk in Kodiac Alaska who also does this - at will, I guess... []

Here is a video on Scalar waves - Enjoy!

@Issa, it's past my bedtime so I just browsed the article quickly. I'm actually reading "The Autobiography of a Yogi". I started a month ago but due to traveling and the holidays, I still haven't finished it (not because the book is not intriguing enough to keep my interest). I've meditated daily for about two years and had some minor mystical experiences and I hope I can talk with you about it since you're a yogi 🙂 Today an article with Mandela Effect in its headline popped up on my phone which made me realize it's about parallel universes (at first I thought it's related to politics). I heard about the Berestain and Berestein Bears before but this is the first time I heard about the Mandela story. I went to your post about Mandela Effect and you're right, nobody that responded there got its meaning. People here like to talk about how they've learned from science that their brain can easily trick them thus false memories, hallucinations, etc, using science as a good reason to dismiss anything beyond the five senses. Anyways, I'm glad you're here and you understand some "paranormal" phenomena. Speaking of parallel universes, the other book I'm reading now is Max Tegmark's "The Mathematical Universe", very fascinating. Tegmark has this theory of four levels of multiverse and the many worlds theory would explain the Mandela Effect, except I don't know how these two worlds got intertwined? How did the you who heard Mandela died in prison came to this world where he died in 2013? I've always been intrigued by such topics and have been interested in reading about quantum physics and writings of some spiritual masters (I believe they will lead me to the same place on my journey to understanding the nature of reality). Have you read "I Am That"? Hope to chat with you more about your spiritual and meditation/yogi experiences.

Mantra, supposedly when CERN broke out their Hadron Colider back in 2015 - with that very big, heavily advertised event they were having they must have broken a barrier between two verses. At least two. The Colider crashes to particles/atoms together which is the point of creating a 'big bang' event, which was their 'goal', I am told. The Mandela effect came into being noticed in 2016 and 17, after that experiment. I saw the Mandela effect on FBook and checked it out. One big notice was the bible verse 'the lion will lay down with the lamb', but now it has been changed to wolf, not a lion. That was very disturbing to me too. Yes, let's talk more on this stuff. The teleportation is a special interest of mine for particular reasons.

@Issa Yeah..although I was teleporting routinely, I couldn't do it deliberately either.

@Issa Yes..I noticed that a lot of Bible verses changed, as well as movie lines. It disturbed me until I decided that most people didn't notice, and it didn't seem to do any real harm.

@birdingnut You will need to inbox me on your teleportation, that sounds like something I would love to hear more about to understand it further. There were so many disturbing changes and I remembered about 99% of them.

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