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Roasted Butternut Squash with nutmeg and maple syrup

Yesterday I rolled out of bed, pulled on clothes and dashed to the Saturday Farmer's Market. You snooze, you lose. I got butternut squash, cherry tomatoes, pears and a ripe cantaloupe. This morning I roasted the butternut squash. Made up this recipe.

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil. Spray with cooking spray.

  3. Wash squash. Cut the squash open and scrape out the seeds. Slice into one-inch-thick pieces. Place in a single layer on baking sheet.

  4. Pour olive oil into your palm. Roll each piece in your oily palm, coating all sides.

  5. Drizzle with pure maple syrup.

  6. Lightly salt and grate nutmeg on top.

  7. Bake at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. Reduce the heat to 375 degrees. Continue roasting for 15 minutes.

  8. Remove from oven. To test for doneness, poke each piece with a fork. If it's soft, it's done. Largest pieces take another 10 minutes or so in the oven.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 27

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That looks delicious. 😋😋


Thank you. Sounds yummy. Butternut squash is one of my favorites and it stays fresh for a long time. The thick skin must help preserve it.


A quick and easy recipe; I’ll definitely give it a try. Thanks


Mmm. Looks delicious!


Can get some via mail order?


I have just harvested about 2 dozen butternut and a dozen acorn squash. I will be doing this 🙂


yummmmmmmmmmmmy I think that I will cook that tomorrow


That looks great!


Wow this sounds really good.
I'll give it a try, and let you know how it turned out.


Can you mail out a free sample of your butternut squash? I doubt it would be possible to keep it oven fresh thru the mail. But anyways, I discovered butternut squash a few years ago when I ate at a buffet that had a butternut squash soup. It has become one of my favorite flavors. The soup had a sweet creamy buttery flavor and I would guess if it is actually made with out butter it could be healthier that something loaded with butter.

Word Level 8 Sep 27, 2020

Yummy i like taking acorn squash cutting it in half and scrape out the seeds,,cut cross cuts into it ,becareful not to puncture the outer skin ,then i add dark amber maple syrup and nuke eaxh half for 5 min yummy


Ooo... That sounds like something I would make... ☺ thanks...



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 27, 2020
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