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I have discovered a few individuals on this site that do not comment on other posts but continue to write numerous posts themselves.I think this indicates that they are not inquisitive nor interested in other members thoughts and feelings .They are probably self centered and do not even read other members posts and are more interested in racking up points .Your views on this.

richiegtt 8 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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reading all the other posts can be somewhat tedious especially when so many people writ a post as a single giant paragraph (obviously not you, yours is short and concise). but otherwise i agree with you.

That’s a compliment.Thanks


There are lurkers everywhere. It does bother me that they restrict access to them, but freely peruse is. I’m an anomaly in FB land with about forty friends and as much family.


Maybe they're more comfortable writing post that they know about than commenting on them. I can see that especially if they have phobias about looking stupid. Personally I wouldn't think anything about it.

They'll probably start replying to posts once they get comfortable.

I'm like that in real life. I'm the person you will usually see sitting in the corner at a party. People say that I'm stuck up, however I do that for two reasons: 1) I don't want to look stupid by saying something stupid, and 2) You learn a lot about a person or group of people when you observe them.


Wow! They just ask questions? Ok...


im tring to figure out how to respond without making a new post. in other words my post is a respinse to anothers comment lol maybe you can help us newbies


I don't get the whole quest for points thing, still trying to find my feet here and have yet to decide if it's right for me. Most of the topics on here are so serious. It's been a really long time since I've been on a message type board like this.
There are what appear to be some really cool people here so I'll keep checking in for now. There is no other place I'm aware of that caters to non religious.

I hardly ever ask questions and love answering personally.

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