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So Donald Trump is out of hospital and bragging about how he (Note. Not the top flight American team of medics) has beaten the virus.
What does he now call the 210 thousand Americans who have died so far? Probably, like those who died in Vietnam, they are simply "losers"

Petter 9 Oct 6

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Well, the average age of death from Covid is 78 years old
The average age of death in the United States alone without Covid is... guess what... 78 years old.
It’s the flu during an election year.

Where on earth did you dream up that crazy number for Covid-19 deaths?
Read this:-

You sir are a fool & your "numbers" are off by 30 years. Read the excellent article, above, that @Petter was kind enough to post for you

@AnneWimsey I thank thee kindly, dere lady. 😁


I'm not so sure his doctors were all that competent. If they were, they would recognize Trump as suffering from severe mental illness, and in need of psychiatric care.


Donnie Dumpsterfire is a dumbass, and he proves that multiple times a day.

tRump had his maskless return to the White House filmed twice.
I guess he probably wanted to make sure they captured his photogenic side -- despite putting everybody around him at literally mortal risk.😑
What a selfish idiot and asshole.

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