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None of the issues in that chart addressed economics or income/wealth equality. Without surveying people on those types of issues, you can't really say who is or is not a progressive, much less where they stand as a group. As far as I'm concerned, if you are not for a fair economy for all, along with reducing the inequality of wealth and income as well as providing a European type safety net for all, you are not a progressive, just a weak-ass liberal who only cares about being PC and feeling smug that you are better than a right-winger. And if that is you, I loathe you just as much as a right winger because you are selfish and won't support anything that might actually cost you anything or inconvenience you personally. Liberalism as a political fashion statement.

The survey also said nothing about climate change or saving the environment, but I've already made my point and said enough. The survey matches my personal observations of many Unitarians, who are also atheists. They are very progressive when it comes to PC and the environment, but not really very progressive when it comes to economic issues. In that sense, they are much like Libertarians in wanting to keep all their stuff and money, holding onto that upper-middle class lifestyle at all costs.


Compared to most Atheists I'm conservative. Compared to the average American, I'm ultra leftist.

Thats a good position.. Centrist?

@Cutiebeauty I'm pretty liberal but I'm a realist. I'm not woke so that makes me a right winger to some people.

@barjoe not woke? What does that mean?

@Cutiebeauty ultra political correctness

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