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LINK You DON'T know there is a god: Point 2 - Misdefining Atheism - YouTube

Aron Ra is brilliant in this takedown.

BlizzardMan 5 Oct 13

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Of course I know there are no gods.
There is ZERO credible and verifiable evidence to prove the existence of ANY gods EVER.

There are fossils which prove the dinosaurs were here.
No proof of god though.


He mentions Biblical literalism a couple of times, but I've never heard him mention the alternative.

skado Level 9 Oct 14, 2020

Poor fellow probably believes in magic dragons, the easter bunny and Santa, too. Is he saying it's scientifically impossible for us to deny the existence of these beings?

I really exist, scientifically prove I do not exist.

@Word You can't prove a NEGATIVE.

@LucyLoohoo are you saying I am negative?

@Word Obviously not. I'm saying that, scientifically, you can't prove something doesn't exist...if it does. So, the idea that I prove you don't exist when you do is impossible. I suspect you know this quite well.

@LucyLoohoo i am glad someone can realize I actually exist. Now if we can get all of these other illogical atheist to realize that we can get christianity and Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers shut down and all gods on Earth will be able to enjoy their own brick home built by true masons freely.

@LucyLoohoo you can prove something doesn’t exist, that does, if you don’t know it exists. Because you’re limited by your data.
Thus, there are only black crows, because the experimenter has only data of black crows. When knowledge of a rare white or albino crow is presented the new data is added and they exist. Hence continual testing.
Science is a tested hypothesis, and ever changing 😊 as new data is, ‘known’ 😉

Always put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion is what a reasonable and moderately intelligent person does. That not the case with any religion.


Robert Morris has wonderful entertainment value - he spouts such magnificent rubbish!

Put it in the “T” file.......meaning trash!!


No one ever uses the term "world view" except christians, when I hear that phrase my ears turn off.


The existence of God must be proven. That'll never happen.

He people’s heads.

@SeaRay215ex one of the great tragedies. But perhaps it keeps them stable? Or stabled...?

@SeaRay215ex The notion he exists exists in people's heads. That does not prove a thing.

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