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Fascism confirmed by the US 5th District Court of Appeals!!!

Texas is now officially a Fascist police State!!!

One Voter drop off box per county for over 38 million people!!

These Fascist obstructionist republicans have stack the courts with Nazi style federal judges who are nothing but fascist clones, so reminiscent of 1933 Nazi Germany!!!

These fascists will do anything to stay in power, time to vote and eliminate every republican from elected office and all publicly held positions!!!


of-the-mountain 9 Oct 14

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Seen that on facebook a week ago - and believe it’s been overturned by a judge.. There will now be more drop boxes in Texas.

There was a reason the Republican Supreme Court recently killed the voting rights act … but there was likely ‘a game’ on that kept most from knowing, or caring ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 15, 2020

Are you for real!!!

You need to keep up with what is actually going down and actually do your research!!!

Actually read the articles, if that possible for you????

First stop Believing FB overt SHIT!!!

@of-the-mountain Don’t know what you’re on ...or exclaiming about(!!!). Facebook beat ya to this one.. So did a judge.

Here’s what I’d heard, on the BBC, or NPR: “A Travis County judge on Thursday ruled that Texas counties can have multiple drop-off locations for hand delivery of absentee ballots, overriding Gov. Greg Abbott's recent directive limiting counties to one drop-off location.


Simple your a moronic idiot fuck head!!

Your are such a stupid fuck!

You are two days behind!!

Maybe if you verify instead of listening you would actually have accomplished something worth while!!!

It was ruled on by the 5th US Circuit Court on the 13 October 2020!!!



The enemy of the people isn’t the media it is social conservatives.
It’s a death cult.
Now our “official” strategy against COVID-19 is to let the virus just kill off anyone not strong enough to survive it!
These MF ers are terrorist, and there will be death on an industrial scale because of the Republican Party and its Christian devotees.
This is what happens when people prefer death to a woman’s right to choose. The worst horror these people stay awake afraid of is national healthcare and equal rights, so much worse for them then the loss of family members and their own personal deaths because they’re going to cosmic Disney Land.

Unfortunately you are so accurate in your statement!

This slow moving Coup d’Tat is about to ellipse into total control and enslavement!!!

The populace has been under ad hoc house arrest and 65 million Out of work, they do not know were or if any monies will appear to help them!!!.

They want this chaos and violence, so their white supremacy militias can start the massive violence so that the overtly militarized Law enforcement can take control under Martial Law!!!

I have never been so fearful in my whole life of what the wealthy and their corporations are doing to this country wholesale!!!


I voted today but might not ever again (even if Joe wins and elections are a thing). This nation deserves to fall. Look on the bright side, even Hitler only ruled for 10 years. Most Dictatorships either aren't that noticeable (so long as you behave) or don't last long. u$A will be allied (wink wink) with Russia, if 45 retains his chair, and (so long as you behave) Russians are fairly happy. I'm hoping China invades.

90% of what you stated is so true!!!

Too too many must die to appease the wealthy and their corporations who own the politicians and now the courts!!!

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