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LINK Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations - The Washington Post

Please tell me this is finally the beginning of the end of this horrible period in American history.
Please, please, pretty please.

Akfishlady 8 Apr 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm thinking Cohen is going to squeal like a stuck pig.

jeffy Level 7 Apr 10, 2018

Please let this be over.


I agree, I'm ready for the end of this nightmare.


Keep the faith. Maybe. Thanks for sharing this!


I like how thorough Mueller's being but damn, this is taking forever.


Just waiting for the Pence era to truly begin. 😛

There is always the distinct possibility that, if 45 goes and Pence replaces him, that, after the coming mid-term elections, Pence will be facing what Obama had to deal with, a Congress that is uncooperative. It will be very interesting, if not productive.

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