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LINK Wear a Mask (Be Our Guest Parody) - YouTube

Attention Mask Debaters !!! (Say that 3 times fast)
This is for you!

TheoryNumber3 8 Oct 18

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Amazing! Nice find.


So, if we all were to wear a snuggly fit N-95, could we then go to a crowded concert? Be on top pf each other to watch a parade? Attend a game with thousands of others? Go to crowded bars? Fill movie theaters and restaurants to capacity? Ride the subway and public transportation? Gather all the family for Thanksgiving and Christmas? Go to malls full of shoppers? Wait inside the DMV for hours with dozens of others?

Bars, restaurants, and family dinners wouldn't be very useful if you were wearing a snugly fit N95 the whole time.
Additionally, masks don't 100% stop everything, so the more virus you put in the air around you, the more likely you are to get some inside you. I figured that would be common sense to anyone with an IQ above room temp. Actually, I'm pretty sure it is.
That aside, there are other ways to contract the virus than through your respiratory system, so your apparent claim that 'if masks really worked we wouldn't need other safety measures, therefore masks must not really work' is pretty nonsensical.

The fact that it isn't 100% assured is no reason to abandon common sense. Every action that can be initiated to mitigate the spread is just common sense. To refuse to wear a mask is like throwing the baby out with the bath water or cutting your nose off to spike your face. If you ask me there are a lot of noseless trump followers and Republicans walking around out there.

As long as you remembered not to touch anything & then your face (door handles, anyone?), or washed/disinfected your hands every time before you touched your face.....(itchy eyes, anybody?).
Viruses are full of "will to spread"!
Most of us cannot/will not be vigilant 100% 24/7/365. So staying away from crowds, (surfaces! and airborne!) especially indoors, and wearing a mask can all help a lot. The life you save may be your Mom's, or your child's, sometimes it is about more than You.
Oh, and No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service...what's the biggie? Of all the people who should be rising up with pitchforks, the store workers who Have to touch the stuff you breathed on/touched should be the angriest, I am angry for them!

@AnneWimsey Everytime I hear the words "Don't touch your face" it makes my nose itch.


Very entertaining propaganda!


Lol. This is at a level even trump supporters and Republicans should be able to understand.

All of our biggest mistakes have come from giving them more credit than they deserve.


Lovely parody!


LOVE IT! Thank you for posting this funny video.

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