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Oh shit... That's the one I went to.... until they closed down... mind you, I just went through the drive-thru.

Fuck fuck fuck!!!

Customers told to watch for covid-19 symptoms after Starbucks outbreak


Dyl1983 8 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Cook at home for Max protection.. But I think you'll be OK... ☺


You're probably pretty low risk if you were in the drive through. It isn't generally spread on objects.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 20, 2020

It does spread on objects, therefore surfaces also has to sprayed with sanitiser. Covid-19 could live for a few days on surfaces.

@MsAI see an article I looked up for you.


@TimeOutForMe I said it was low risk, not imposible. It's what I hear on my science shows and read about expert opinions. Your link backs that up. It says what all the other evidence I have heard says. It is mostly spread through large droplets in the air and probably smaller aerosolized droplets although we are still gathering evidence on that. It can live on surfaces but is rarely spread this way.

"From what we know so far – transmission from surfaces is much lower risk than person to person.  
Still, it is possible (though not as likely) to catch the virus if you touch a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes."

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