5 3

Okay, am new to posting here and need some help. I received a 'message,' . . . you know, as part of the envelope at the top. I've made it to Level 3 but it appears as though I'm not being allowed to reply. I notice the member is Level 4. Got any idea why the website isn't, 1. allowing me to send a reply, or 2. if my reply/ies are being 'reviewed' by the website, how long will it be before they actually send and show up as being sent? thx

Wisterious 7 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Welcome to level 4. Problem solved!


Keep plugging away ,you will get there ,It took me awhile also


It does seem a little strange that you can't even reply to an incoming message. I could understand blocking sending messages in the first place - to cut down on bots and spammers signing up and sending lots of messages.

But yes, as @skado mentioned you'll be at level 4 in no time. You need another 250 points - a few posts, comments, and likes and you'll be there in no time.

@Fmdg I'm not familiar with that connection with Zen (but I've never read the book either). More of a play on the saying "atheists just believe in one less god than you a theist". So I picked a god which is also the name of a scifi movie and I kind of liked the description of Prometheus on Wikipedia too.


Keep posting and your level will rise faster.


I don’t remember the exact cutoff but if it’s 4 you’ll be there in no time. The first four or five go by very quickly.

skado Level 9 Oct 20, 2020

@Fmdg as I type this it says you're at 315 points so only 185 to go.

But hey, I thought it took a long time to get from level 6 to 7 however now the wait for 8 is going to be like a year! Rumor has it I can get a t-shirt then - but you won't know until you get there. Maybe the shirt says "I got to level 8 and all I got was this t-shirt", but hey that's better than nothing 🙂

@Fmdg Remember you get points for liking comments and replying to comments. And for people liking and replying to your comments

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