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I must admit I wholeheartedly agree with what Donald Trump said, 85 minutes into the debate, - "I know more about wind than anyone!" Yep. He sure does.

Petter 9 Oct 22

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I bet he knows a lot about gas, too 😉

Varn Level 8 Oct 23, 2020

I know a little about environmental bird kills.
The number of dead birds are higher where they rest, which is frequently on power lines causing a higher incidence of bird corpses.
That’s just one factor, there are many more.
The distribution around windmills approach what would be expected if the windmills weren’t there.
But around coal plants there’s a dramatic increase in dead birds due to environmental contamination.
Statistical analysis lab in Auburn, a student project.


He had a problem with wind power because they are visible at one of his golf resorts and he thinks they're unsightly. He had a thing about that, so he brings up bird kill. As if he cares about wildlife.

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