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Remember this November 3rd

bobwjr 10 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Good post.


That's why I don't understand third party voters.
You can't hold out for your ideal custom candidate any more than you can hold out for your perfect soul mate.
Democrats can be as bad as Republicans.
I know because I grew up in Alabama during the G.C. Wallace governor time period.
Vote for the people that display the most humanistic tendencies, forget political parties.
Since I was a child I yearned for a society as depicted in Star Trek, but instead I live in an Orwellian world.
Welcome to the off the rack world, good luck.


Bernie lovers, are you listening?

It is not the passion, compassion, goodness, honesty of the dear leader that matters. It is useless in American presidential race which is nothing but a game of dirty politics, money, strategic maneuvers, taking down people, digging dirt and just winning at any cost. It is not about dreaming of making America like Norway or Sweden.


We who cannot vote, but who nevertheless care about what is happening to your country, are hopeful that America will rise to the challenge next Tuesday and do what’s necessary to restore sanity and reason.


Sadly it has to be so. It would not be so in a better world, but in the world we live in, yes.

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