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LINK Conservative Christian Leader: A Man is “Responsible for How His Wife Votes” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

In a tweet that’s practically designed to be ratioed, Jesse Sumpter, a staffer at the church of COVID-denying Doug Wilson, says that men have a duty to control the way their wives vote.

snytiger6 9 Oct 31

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Maybe you should have put in the silly random category.

Sometimes it's close or a toss up. I thought the idea of women subjugating to husbands was too serious a topic to categorize as silly, in this case. I just don't see that as being silly or fun. Even if the guy's ideas are way outdated and ludicrous.


He thinks all women think like the ones seducing positions and money from him.
Most people are willing to whore themselves out if the reward is great enough and they think they have a real shot at pulling it off.
Look at all the Republican whores in the Senate.
Then the enthusiasm from stupid bigoted Helen's at his rallies validates his weird ideas about women.
Professional anti feminist women like Ann Coulter WHORES (Women Hating Real Equal Status) is hardly a representative of any woman I know.
But that's the Republican ideal.
And the way he talked about his daughter, it was so creepy.

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