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LINK Radical Islam is Set to Plague and Plunder the Western World – Indigo Review.

Blog about Radical Islam in Europe

Hages 7 Nov 1

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Have you ever posted about how the Western world plundered the 3rd World to become rich? I dislike Islam also, but why is your outrage so selective?


Makes you wonder why that idiot Biden wants to lift the travel ban against those from certain Muslim countries. Just what we need some more Islamic radicals in the US.


You should start a group for anti-Arab racism, so we all don't all need to read your crap.




We are also set to colonize Mars but I don't see this as anytime soon. In the meantime maybe we can live peaceable with Islam. Education is a key to co-existence.


Just like radical Christianity.


It is difficult to understand why leftists tolerate and even encourage Islam.

Hmmm it’s tricky, like Christians there are many Muslims that are moderate in their practices and seem to fit into the Countries that that immigrated to, there is part of the Koran that says they should respect the rules of the Country they are in. Of course religious people do have a tendency to cherry pick their lores, so it’s a bit of a worry. I certainly wouldn’t want to live by any religious books, if I can help it.


@creative51 It is impressive that you know how and what I think. Such a godlike power.
It would be blasphemous for me to characterize your comment as being a straw man argument.

@creative51 Mea maxima culpa. I beseech you for absolution.

@PBuck0145 well I hope, as @creative51 has suggested, that this opinion is wrong. But honestly I hope we never find out. I know that some women here wear a headscarf not because the Koran or men tell them too, but because they want to be identified and feel proud to be Muslim.
But to be honest being in various areas of England feeling I’m not dressed properly in the Summer does make me feel uncomfortable and the fact that this is apparently because some men aren’t expected to have self control/ feel they cannot control themselves is concerning.
Having nearly been abducted by a dozen men, ( that had coffee coloured skin) from a nightclub in my 20’s and later finding out that there are big, ‘nightclubs’ in some a rab Countries where women are commodities. Knowing that other Countries are now showing an interest in promoting, or at least normalising Islam in the UK.
Yet the Muslim people that I have studied and worked with continue to be friendly and respectful, so it’s incongruous in my mind right now. I’m happy to be with good people...I do not want them to make me live life like they do or be judged by them.

Tunnel vision. Islam may have potential to be more of a threat to us down the road, but Christianity is the bigger threat now because it's here and permeating all parts of our life, including the government.

@creative51 that’s true I suppose. When put in context it makes their way of covering up their ladies much more respectful. Thank you for the input.

For those "objective free-thinkers" who assert that Christianity is currently a bigger threat than is Islam:

Because they tend to vote for the leftist. It’s all about power.

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