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LINK Psychology Today: Eight Things to Know About Nudity and Your Family

I believe that nudity should be treated as something natural, but unremarkable. Parents will be comfortable with different degrees of nakedness, depending on their own background and body image. Some families are comfortable showering or visiting saunas together. Others may be more comfortable only being naked around same-sex members. Still other parents may be reluctant to undress in front of a child, much less hold a conversation while nude. But remember that your attitudes towards nudity will shape your child’s future in a variety of ways.

snytiger6 9 Nov 12

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Too many would rather shame, because they are not as perfect as their god is suppose to be!!!

It can not be natural without being covered over so no one can see how fuck up they truly are!!!


I’m always naked around my son, who’s now 11. It’s always been this way, so he thinks absolutely nothing of it. And he strips down for showers or for bed in front of me. And my mother was fine with being naked in front of us growing up.

Nudity in the family is very natural for us. People tend to sexualize everything and make something totally innocent into something dirty. I think that’s just dumb.


The real issue with sex is how it's projected onto others.
As an asexual trans women I've discovered that people have very strange ideas about how freaky other people are. If you're not vanilla heterosexual they assume you're all about the sodomy 24/7.
I may never understood humans.


If you live in a family situation, you should wear clothes around the house. Unless you're a couple, but if there's a family, wandering around naked is creepy. I live by myself and I do sometimes.

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