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LINK 'Soros' review: A George Soros documentary looks at the life and activism of the right's favorite bogeyman - CNN

CNN article on review of a documentary about billionaire George Soros

Hages 7 Nov 19

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The reich-wing gets more ridiculous all the time.


I've heard about George Soros for a very long time now. He is blamed for everything and there is little evidence. The right still blames Soros today but he is 90 years old. This tells me a lot more than it tells them. LOL

@Hages Maybe so. I have no proof that Soros organised and did anything. He was like the perfect scape goat


The right wing sure hates George Soros. This was shared by someone on Parler. We'll see if they have any filters. This should be taken down. I copied it. I'll see if it's still up tomorrow. I'll be surprise if it's removed for community violation.

“the Marxist democrat kikes that run twitter and faceberg used their social engineering platforms to whip this up and organize these riots. Soros used his subversion NGO shock troops to organize and direct the riots. N#ggers burned down and looted their own cities with the encouragement of billionaire kikes, which will make them poor and cause crime to increase in their shitholes long term. Everyone who is rational will move away and all that will be left will be an economic desert poverty like Compton California, a once thriving crime free city.”

@Hages I have a profile on there. I think I'm a 3.

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