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If god doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you...(Crickets).

Jatheist 2 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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They're the voice of "gawad..." That's their job, to tell you what God likes and doesn't like.


Very well put. I plan to use it myself.


Right. It's almost like people create God in their image of what they think and believe is right. Well maybe not "almost like."

Agree: I think religion is projection. Many see God as the "perfect" super "me", the iGod, as it were. Maybe Apple will come up with a new device or app for this?


Absolutely! I tell people that I have made peace with my decision to live my life as good as I can humanly possible. If there is a God and I have done something wrong by doing right by people and treating people with respect and dignity then we have things that we need to talk about. The years that I have spent in the church and in fear confused by the teachings going around and around without any supporting evidence really made me validate choice leave the faith and seek fact.

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