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LINK Jim Bakker: A Couple of Years Ago, It Was Illegal to say “Merry Christmas” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Remember that time a few years ago when it was illegal to say “Merry Christmas”?


Check your facts, people. Because televangelist Jim Bakker totally remembers that. And that’s why he’s thanking Donald Trump for making that phrase legal once again.

snytiger6 9 Nov 23

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Those con men paved the way for Donnie. It's more than a cult - it's a network of cults. A mega-cult.


And that's why so many Xians voted for him..........


Bakker is such an ignorant, smarmy, cry baby little motherfucker! Those are the most positive things I can say about him.


guess ol' JB hasnt gotten to the significance of Dec 25th yet lol
prolly still decorating trees even huh


It's amazing how some crazier christains don't how read or listen to facts correctly. Trump is not a holy figure of any kind.

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