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LINK Iran's top nuclear scientist shot dead near Tehran

The Guardian article about assassination of Iran top nuclear scientist

Hages 7 Nov 27

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Rest in Pieces.

@powder I disagree. They don't need any motivation. Why did you think they were trying to develop nuclear weapon program. I think Trump was wrong to break the treaty with Iran but Obama was wrong to negotiate it in the first place. I don't think Iran intended to honor it anyhow.

@powder You see. I guess I don't care if Iran gets overthrown or if PDRK gets invaded. I care about the United States. That's the way it goes. American foreign policy benefits Australia and UK as well.

@powder Iran kidnapped 452 Americans for a bullshit reason. Al Qaeda blew up the Towers. We were provoked. They are our enemies. Iran is a garrison state as are all radicalized Muslim countries. Turkey has joined that group. It had nothing to do with corporate interest, it has to do with national security.

@powder 9/11 was actually 19 Saudis. So it was Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was a Saudi. Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. They all have one thing in common. You know what that is.

@powder You know what that is. On this site, it's okay to criticize Jews, Xtians, Mormons and Scientologist but if you dare address the "Religion of Peace" the Mohammedans, you are an Islamaphobe bigot. Muslims are a violent faith, in this century they're still in the 7th century.

@powder The followers of Ishmael and Muhammad.

@powder I would tell you to re-read Genesis 22 but it's a bullshit book. It sounds like if you were going to read any scriptures it would be Hadiths

@powder You already did

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