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So recently I've been watching a lot of Jeopardy! Right now I'm watching this episode where the answer is "In common law, the age of this, signalling adulthood, is presumed to be 14 in boys & 12 in girls."

So a guy, Tom, asks, "What is the age of consent?"


Dyl1983 8 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I recalled reading that in some states there are few limits on child marriage with parental consent. This website offers information.


Backwards, but definitely red neck

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 28, 2020

It's puberty, but how does that pertain to common law?


It varies state by state. While It would be wrong to criminalize two 14 year olds for having sex, we need to protect 14 year olds from having sex with 17-18 year olds (or older). Or worse, marrying them.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

People are getting married as young as 14, still, with parental consent which explains them marrying at 14.

I once worked with a woman who was married at the age of 14. They did not have children, and I think the marriage did not last more than ten years.

@dalefvictor my first brother in law, at 29, married a 14 year old...Alabama, of course. By 18 she had 4 kids & had run off at least 7 times, poor kid. Thankfully she got her tubes tied.......


Man oh man, keep an eye on that one's playmates!

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