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"Here's the truth" was an instant turnoff this morning. Your thoughts?

As a lifelong Democrat, I try to listen and empathize with people who are different from me. Like millions of people, I feel fed up with Trump's constant lies.

"Here's the truth," a male caller began on the Thom Hartman call-in show. Turned it off. Trump PTSD.

An instant turnoff:

"You shouldn't be angry" about being raped. He was "should-ing" all over me. Don't tell me how to feel.


"This is the authentic me." You normally put on an act?

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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This is why we should laugh at Trump


When I meet a Trump supporter I just start to laugh uncontrollably. They get so pissed when you do that.


That's hilarious and perfect. I'll have to try it.

@LiterateHiker The more they lie, the more I laugh. Not many Trump supporters in Ireland. But when I do meet one they are fucking hilarious. lol

I don't engage with them. Kind of like I don't handle shit with my fingers, at the least I will use a shovel to maintain some distance.


"Heres the truth" is most often accompanied by unsubstantiated bullshit.

And thats the truth of it.

1of5 Level 8 Nov 30, 2020

I feel that too many are going to start in making excuses for Trump and how he acted and put the rest of us down as they do so. Trump PTSD. I'm not having any of it and I certainly do not want the bastard pardoned. Let him openly partake of the penal legalities that he has brought upon himself forever and ever, Ramen!


"Should-ing" is a sign of low EQ and IQ. The person doing it, man or woman, can't empathize not unlike a child. Their limit is their own head. I avoid voluntarily spending time around this type.


Exactly. Thank you for your thoughtful and wise reply.


It's shit like that, that makes me want to swing in the direction of where it came from.


Nailed it

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 30, 2020

I agree with you totally. Their truth is different from objective truth and your truth. Your feelings are ok. I try not to “should” people. They can make their own decisions based on their priorities and worldview.


I’ve heard so many men say they would love it if a woman sexually harassed them. I’ve tried turning it on them and asking them how they’d feel if a man was doing it. Usually they say something to the effect that they’d kick his ass

No matter how much I up the anti by saying the dude is stronger, etc, they just can’t even fathom it, much less imagine being sodomized

Imagine having the luxury of not having to even think about being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted?


Please clarify your reply. It needs a verb. If a woman did what?

@LiterateHiker Sorry, got a phone call mid typing and it must have posted when I answered it. I’ve edited my response

Who are these people who don't have to think about being harassed or assaulted? Where do they live?

@BrianFey I’d say 90% of men don’t worry about getting sexually assaulted. Not every man but most.

Most don’t walk with their keys between their fingers, make sure they park under a light after dark...if they go out after dark, make sure a friend goes to the restroom with them when at a bar, never leave their drink alone, lock their door immediately upon getting in their vehicle, notify a friend when going on a date (including letting them know where, when they expect to be home, and text when they get home)...the list goes on and on.

You can go ahead and tell me you do all these things and yes I know men get mugged...but until you spend even a day as a woman, you have no idea what it’s like

@BrianFey Just saw you’re in Mexico. I have no idea what it’s like there, but in the US, for the most part, men don’t have to be constantly on guard

@Marcie1974 Most assault isn't sexual. Men are in constant danger of assault though of course there are ways for anyone to increase or decrease their changes of assault.
Assault against men is assumed. People care when women are assaulted.
Where I live about 30,000 people are murdered a year. Mostly men. But the women protest the femicide. There is no equivalent word for the murder of men. It is assumed men will be killed.
If a woman assaults me, which happened, no one will care. She told me her cousins will kill me. I keep quiet just wanting to live. She is out of my life for now, but watches what I do online. (Likely not here.)
I am in danger from people I can't mention who want to own my land. They could kill me and cut my face off, as happened to another guy.
To think that men live in some safe world while women are the only victims is delusional and sexist.

@Marcie1974 []

@BrianFey please note I said sexual assault. As in specifically sexual in nature.

I live in the United States and perhaps should have indicated most men in the US do not fear sexual assault. In fact, many jokingly say they wish it would happen to them.

@Marcie1974 I was responding to "Imagine having the luxury of not having to even think about being harassed or assaulted?"
Hence the general response.
I don't joke about assault. I do not believe anyone should be assaulted, sexual or not. And we should all be aware of gender based assault as well and try and break out of the cycles of it.
You might find the film Hillbilly Elegy interesting.


@BrianFey I will edit my comment to reflect sexually harassed or sexually assaulted as that is what I had intended to say

@BrianFey I have heard very good reviews of the book Hillbilly Elegy but poor of the movie. I have it in my to-read list

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