Who is the most famous person you've ever met face to face? Ive been to MANY sci_fi, comic, and fantasy cons and met tons of famous people. Who's your big meet?
Either SECNAV Lehman or The Blue Man Group. The chance to see their props alone was worth the work, seriously incredible engineering mated to child-like imaginations. The fact that they survive touring makes it even more mind blowing.
I'm on "the other side of the table" at cons, so I've been around a lot. Most famous I've ever sat around and shot the shit with would have to be hanging out with Harlan Ellison and Peter Straub one afternoon. Before I got to the position where I could do that, and not counting anyone I met through my mother, I was Mark Leonard's temporary PA for a day. And I hung out with James Irwin for an hour or so.
I met the govenor of my state once, even shook his hand. Never liked the dude though, plus this state is known for corruption. That's sadly the best I got .