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LINK Why is religion suddenly declining? | OUPblog

As the 21st century began, religion was spreading rapidly. The collapse of communism had left a psychological vacuum that was being filled with resurgent religion, fundamentalism was a rising political force in the United States, and the 9/11 attacks drew attention to the power of militant Islam. There were claims of a global resurgence of religion.

An analysis of religious trends from 1981 to 2007 in 49 countries containing 60% of the world’s population did not find a global resurgence of religion—most -income countries were becoming less religious—however, it did show that in 33 of the 49 countries studied, people had become more religious (Norris and Inglehart, 2011). But since 2007, things have changed with surprising speed. From 2007 to 2020, an overwhelming majority (43 out of 49) of these same countries became less religious. This decline in belief is strongest in -income countries but it is evident across most of the world (Inglehart, 2021).

HippieChick58 9 Dec 10

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Each generation is smarter than the previous. Every one of my 30 year old daughter's friends identifies as atheist or agnostic. These are not people she sought out as friends online, these are people in the community or co-workers. I only wish I could find like minded people so easily in my age group.

Maybe because of my profession I run into more of them or at least people who don't go to church or just don't bring up religion. They are out there, I think more folks than will admit it.

@Sticks48 right! A lot of people keep quiet about it because the 'moral police' can be loud and aggressive.

@Mimee Yes they can. Fortunately I chose a profession where everyone thinks we are heathens anyway. It has never once in my life caused me a problem. In your country is it more difficult?

@Sticks48 well most people here are religious. Openly claiming to be an atheist would raise a few eyebrows, but apart from that nothing more I guess.


The decline in religiosity has a strong correlation with rise in education and economic independence. Notice that I didn't say economic prosperity. The house of Saud and the Vatican are both deeply religious and stinking rich. I meant independence. When you're not dependent on anyone for your well being and if that independence came to you in your formative years, you tend to think out of the box and objectively turn around ideas in your head. You don't swallow what's fed to you because you're not dreading the repercussions of voicing your thoughts openly. A lot of religious societies have people who toe the line just to be well provided for. E.g. traditional business houses would crumble if religion didn't bind them together.

Mimee Level 6 Dec 13, 2020

Well, I don't know, but I would really like to hear what Cullen Bohannon's (Hell On Wheels) comment would be!

tiom Level 2 Dec 13, 2020

Becuz they prayed for help & grandma still died?


Probably not. But, I have no problem with waiting to find out for sure.


I don't really know, and I don't really care, as long as people continue using their brains to think.


Separation from reason of some sects

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 11, 2020

Its adherents are getting Covid & dropping like flies, and the the rest of the herd is backing away?


The religious have bought into the Trump agenda. Jesus said..."Be no part of this world" But the religious have shown that they are total hypocrites in their support of Trump. Smart religious people are realizing the churches are all a farce.


Good article up to a point. Though I note that it does not mention the rate at which the world is becoming more connected due to IT. Which has several possible effects, including the rise of real multiculturalism, which gives people cause to question their adherence to one single culture and belief system, accompanied by more information with which to do so. Also the rise of so called fake news, conspiracy theory etc., which though they may delude some, perhaps forces most people to get into the habit of being much more critical and questioning.

We may well be on edge of a world which values objective truth, good research and information, and a belief in objective taste more than ever, precisely because the opposites of all those things are so readily available and therefore cheapened.

Great! That's a balanced view.


Why is "religion " declining? It is fulfilling biblical prophesy of the great apostasy.

The term is derived from the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, in which the Apostle Paul informs the Christians of Thessalonica that a great apostasy must occur before the return of Christ, when "the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction" (chapter 2:1–12). The Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches have interpreted this chapter as referring to a future falling-away, during the reign of the Antichrist at the end of time. Wikipedia- great apostasy

Apostasy in Christianity is the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian or who wishes to administratively be removed from a formal registry of church members. The term apostasy comes from the Greek word apostasia ("ἀποστασία" ) meaning "defection", "departure", "revolt" or "rebellion". It has been described as "a willful falling away from, or rebellion against, Christianity. Apostasy is the rejection of Christ by one who has been a Christian...."[2] "Apostasy is a theological category describing those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned their faith in the God of the covenant, who manifests himself most completely in Jesus Christ."[3] "Apostasy is the antonym of conversion; it is deconversion."[1] [].

Word Level 8 Dec 10, 2020

I am someone who formerly was a Christian or who wishes to administratively be removed from a formal registry of church members both so thanks for the diagnosis. I will wear the badge proudly.


He makes reference to “an analysis of religious trends” but doesn’t provide links to studies. Looks like he is promoting his own book.

As of 2017, Pew Research is still projecting an increase in the religious section of the world population.

“The religiously unaffiliated population is projected to shrink as a percentage of the global population, even though it will increase modestly in absolute number. In 2015, there were slightly fewer than 1.2 billion atheists, agnostics and people who did not identify with any particular religion around the world. By 2060, the unaffiliated population is expected to reach 1.2 billion. But as a share of all people in the world, religious “nones” are projected to decline from 16% of the total population in 2015 to 13% in 2060. While the unaffiliated are expected to continue to increase as a share the population in much of Europe and North America, people with no religion will decline as a share of the population in Asia, where 75% of the world’s religious “nones” live.”



Atheists pride themselves in preferring fact over fiction, but when it comes to their favored fantasy that religions are dying, they prefer their imaginations over the science.

I’d rather base my views on the data. Where are the data that refute the Pew study?

skado Level 9 Dec 10, 2020

As I explain on here many time, when the biblical text is understood for what it was meant to say in original language, people will understand then the (Hebrew/Jewish/Israeli) concepts of the Angelic host and that Jesus character is lord most high Lucifer the devil (this is not to give a proper name "Lucifer " but a title).

See my comment about great apostasy above.


Religion sells a preposterous product. Eventually at least some ppl are going to see that and reject it.


Cause people have started shedding their blinders during the pandemic.


What surprises me is why has it taken so long.


I think a small part of it is what expastors have said about the things they learned at their seminaries.


Religious devotion is being supplanted by Marxist/Socialist allegiance.

Could you explain your point a little more? I think I would like to support your argument.

Egalitarianism is being supplanted by Egalitarianism.

@dalefvictor Too many who abandon their religious beliefs are left with a "virtue void" which they attempt to fill with leftist idealism / group think.


Religion is on the decline because people are waking up to reality.

And realizing it’s all bullshit and phony.

I believe very hard times, in which it seems God has abandoned us, produce a distancing from the idea of God. There's also more of a resentment toward God for the hardships that manifests in claims of atheism or agnosticism. I think that resentment also manifests as extreme guilt for questioning their Lord. I think there might also be less Church participation by parents having a harder time being able to tithe. That means children are less indoctrinated. Many people allow religion to creep back into their older life, because it creates a feeling of belonging and friendships, and many do not. To what degree for either I doubt anyone has a guess. My point is that economic conditions play a role.

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