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LINK Tucker Carlson Mocks Dr. Jill Biden, Compares Her Degree to Dr. Pepper

Tucker Carlson has mocked Dr. Jill Biden's title, likening the incoming first lady's title to Dr. Pepper and accused her of using 'Dr.' because she has "status anxiety."

The reactionary Fox News host has waded into the discourse surrounding Joe Biden's wife's honorific which has been heavily debated in recent days.

"Jill Biden is not a doctor, no. Maybe in the same sense Dr. Pepper is," Carlson said on Monday night's installment of Tucker Carlson Tonight.

snytiger6 9 Dec 16

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Carlson doesn't understand what a doctorate is because he's not bright enough to earn one.


Poor tucker... He has neither the work ethic nor intellect to earn a phd....

I have heard that he is a high school dropout. Do not care, he obviously did not learn anything no matter where he went or did not go to school. Except how to spout BS.

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