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Health & Unhappiness in this case!


dave1459 8 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Right! This explains why our ancestors had such short life-spans!

Many of these, like Guardia, were nonexistent in ancient times, or so localized they didn't have much of an impact. It is our encroachment on large areas that have made them run little as 40 years ago, Guardia was Not a problem!

@AnneWimsey These micro-organisms/viruses/and other powerful beasties evolved from earlier forms which killed our ancestors with worms, and other conditions now mutated into equally nasty ones.

@AnneWimsey Could you share documentation where you got that info? I can't find that it wasn't a problem...only that because our population was so much smaller a few decades ago it might have been less well known.

@Robecology ask any long-time hiker, they did not used to have to carry filters, purifiers & the like.

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