3 13

Totally agree with this.

mistymoon77 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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good advice


Better yet... Want nothing, feel nothing. Just take care and treat self like a king.

It does have to start with taking care of yourself first on many levels. That is true.


Yes correct. My wider point was we do not have to keep wanting or needing people and things inside our lives to have a happy, complete life. Living independently on own terms works not just fine but a lot better. Living together makes a whole lot sense when you are raising a family and planning/building a future for them. That is just 20 years of the long over 65, 70 years of adult life.


An AA sobriety chip couldn't have said it better.
(Apologies for the vaguely cultish reference, 😏.)

There would have been some reference to a higher power attached somewhere.. thats how they roll.

@mistymoon77 indeed. I am not advocating Aa's 12 steps as the answer to life's strufgglws. I was merely reminded of the print on one side of their sobtirty chips, which says "Keep it simple."

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