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"Good Riddance"- America Celebrate Rush Limbaugh going off the air.

On Wednesday, conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh signed off on his last show of 2020 after being diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this year. While supporters were touched with deep emotion, leftists on Twitter were celebrating, hoping that the cancer takes him before he returns in 2021.

“Rush Limbaugh is a demagogue who got rich off of hate speech, division, lies and toxicity. I have compassion for anyone suffering from cancer, but despite his illness, Limbaugh just kept doubling down on his bet against democracy. His legacy is shameful."

"Good riddance,” tweeted Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action.


LiterateHiker 9 Dec 25

Enjoy being online again!

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He'll just be replaced by someone exactly like him.


Never could stomach that pompous ass...


I agree with “good riddance!”


Limbaugh is a despicable human being. But it’s super fu#%ed up that some are celebrating his demise from health issues. If the supposed good guys who support human rights and compassion can be so mean, then we don’t need this brand of good.

Screw you. I hope Rush dies a horrible, painful death, how do you like that?!?
But he'll be so junked up on painkillers he won't feel a thing, I'm sure.


Yes, I will celebrate when he is gone for good.


👍👍👍 He will die gasping for air. Choking and clawing his throat for a breath. Bye bye Rush. 😈


May he gargle with Trumpy-19 Virus, gurgle with emphysema, and gasp his last breath with bronchial pneumonia!


Should have been 30 years ago


Maybe there is hope for 2021



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 25, 2020

He can't die fast enough for me.


I would have preferred flesh eating bacteria for his destiny, but anything that gets his contrary ass under the lawn is good.

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