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LINK Little Motivation

More than a year ago, I was dealing with suicide thoughts, one would have thought the 'religious' people would provide support and help, but in fact, they thought I'm an attention-seeker, pretending illness to get love, and because of their disrespect, they wanted to keep bullying me so that I actually commit suicide.

Thankfully I didn't, yet this whole story is ridiculous, especially when most of these people backup their behavior from their religious books, and after all, "god is good" "jesus loves you no matter what" "you have a better place in heaven", and endless repetitive words those people use blindly to justify their crap.

This is one of the endless reasons why religions are the worst human inventions ever, and leaving it definitely improved my health significantly, and my depression struggles are eventually healed, after all, I left the main depression source; the religion and its hypocrites.

And here's a song to chill us all.

FS2750 4 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I am so glad you untangled your spark of life from those thieves, I applaud you! And am so glad you are here. I was hurt deeply by those Evangelicals myself, at the worst time in my life. But I left them behind to contaminate each other with their cruel piety! 🤝


There are shitheads in all walks of life. But in my experience the A/A community typically shows more empathy


Perfectly described! Blaming the victim is a big part of the control they try to exert!

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