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LINK Got kicked out of a fundamentalist Christian University for committing a thought crime... 😑 : atheism

R/atheism post with user being kicked out of a fundamentalist Christian university for being an atheist

Hages 7 Dec 28

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Anyone with half a brain would pay money for such an"education"?????


The weird thing is, this individual seems to have chosen not to out this University. I'm guessing Liberty or Oral Roberts.


Welcome to the religious world. For a 4.0 student it seems the subject is not too bright. What did the person expect from a "christian fundamentalist university"? Jeez, some people.


Christianity is based on the unquestionably faith of its believers. If you don’t believe everything-00% and question anything then you are doing the work of the devil


1984 Thought police, horrible only xians could do that

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 29, 2020

You can lead theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think.

Neigh! 😉


Thinking is dangerous around Christians.

Yes, ration thinking is incredibly dangerous to religitards.

I look back at my 30 years of Christianity and say what was I thinking when I believed all the nonsense. When I’m completely honest with myself then I come to conclusion that I wasn’t thinking. Even though my mind told me a lot of it was bullshit I convinced myself it wasn’t.

They’re incapable of rational thinking, they’re conditioned to be blind followers.


One of its fundamentals must've been to indoctrinate; not to


I don't recognize degrees from religious institutions.

@Hages its just common sense right? If you go to a college that is religious there's really no way you're walking out with a legit science degree lol


Who wants a degree from fundamental university anyway?


Beware of the thought police!!


Wow! Sometimes ‘life,’ comes face to face with truth and some human pays a price! In this case, the price paid is well worth it! This loss...may be an even bigger gain, in the long run,

My last thought is how major universities are forcing students into ‘believing!’ No wonder this Country has been on the decline since the Religious Right, got the upper hand! And now we see that higher education is training students to defend an allusion...some ‘sky daddy,’ that takes care of us...only ofcourse, if you are a ‘believer!’ Here again we see the wealthy supporting scholarships, and in the end they are in control of our Country. We are up against a mammoth wall, culturally! This is way over my head, but it is beyond dangerous, from my experience with the Evangelicals.


Should insecure prats be allowed to run universities?

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