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I just survived watching my cat bring a live mouse in the house, cornering it then going outside. I had to catch it myself and throw it out the door. I hate mice and I may never forgive the cat. During the adventure the mouse ran behind my portable wine fridge. I moved it so the cat could get it and then because it was wedged in the corner the cat lost interest and left.
Meanwhile moving the wine knocked over a whole bottle of Rose which broke and spilled on my concrete floor which needs to be protected from anything acidic.
Floor mopped , scared nice poop picked up,mouse thrown out and laundry started. It is chocolate wine time.

Lorajay 9 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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0've been FELINED....I sympathize...I have 4 cats and they make my life MISERABLE...but what would life be without our furry fanatical friends.😁you do know they bring their catches in as a gift for you right? of mine brought a dead bird in and left it under my bed...woke up one day to a HORRIBLE stench...don't know how long it was there but I almost lost my lunch getting it out and fumigated...little furry bastards...I mean FRIENDS...😂😂😂


Holy. Shit. Thats HILARIOUS. can I share my mother's mouse story?
Her cat brought in a mouse and my mother, thinking it dead, went to retrieve it. The mouse went for a run, and my mother panicked, and for lack of a less humane solution, she stomped it with her foot. This approach caused the mouse enough damage that it actually went into a seizure and started flinging blood around itself. She finally dispatched it. Cat looked horrified, but still did it again a week later.

Once had a cat that would bring in birds. Still remember the wind-chime sound of the bird's bones breaking as the cat chomped it down.

Favorite cat was a friend's black cat named Shadow. Shadow would bring in a few rabbit heads every week. Shadow was nice enough to eat most of the rabbits outside.


You vanquished your fears, showed the cat you are as brave as him, wasted a perfectly good bottle of wine and got some cardio, all in one evening. What an adventure and a story to tell for years to come 😁.


Great photos though.


I'm not sure you understand cat psych. Your cat is 'paying the rent' for your care of him/her, letting you know that he/she is doing their bit (hunting mice) for looking after him or her. That's how they see it.

I would definitely prefer a different currency for payment. I also think when he brings me a live varmit, it is mainly for his own pleasure because he is not trying to kill it quickly he is playing with it.


Irritating isn't it

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 29, 2020

He just wanted some love !!!!!!♥️♥️♥️
Cat looks well fed and like she rules . She will be forgiven and she knows it 😂🦇
Mouse boy has cousins and a fat daddy and probably some bitching sisters , expect visitors !!!!😂😂😂?
Enjoy your wine Lora 🤗🤗🤗♥️♥️♥️

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