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Question to atheists and agnostics:

Are you sure no god exists that you believe in?

How about this one...



skado 9 Dec 29

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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Pretty sure that the universe isn't sentient which ends the discussion until you have evidence it is....

Sounds like you have quite a firm belief that gods must be sentient.

@skado If they are not sentient how can they preform any action that gods are reputed to preform?...

Just like non-sentient evolution created all life on earth?

@skado Evolution is just that evolution, you are showing ignorance in this question by mistaking it for abiogenesis...

The first words in the article are “In evolutionary biology...” and goes on to say, “... not a single event, but an evolutionary process of increasing complexity...”.

Sounds like it is considered a part of evolution. In any case, it’s not sentient, right?

@skado More ignorance does NOT make you right.... The two are like apples and horses they might have a lot of the same genes in their DNA but both are different subjects...

What does that have to do with my point? Are you saying sentience was involved in creating life?

@skado To "create" anything is an act of conscious decision which requires sentience without that factor you are talking about nothing more than a natural process. Even life after it became life had to evolve before intelligence could become a factor and that was a part of the evolutionary process. Weaker forms to reach a higher level in the food chain instead of remaining just food had to evolve to become intelligent and use tools or become extinct. You are making the same mistake any creationist does in assuming intelligence was there from the beginning.

Why do you think that? I have said just the opposite. I said life was created without sentience. Was it not?

@skado Did you bother to read my reply or just assume that I was saying that... Your two major errors were first that I said life was "created" when I said it was a part of a natural process and second was that same claim was also answered by me as life coming into being and later evolving into intelligence to equip weaker life with a stronger weapon for survival...

Your intelligence is so exceedingly superior to mine I can’t even understand what you’re saying. Sorry. Have a nice year.

@skado Your main problem is you have your mind set in stone instead of looking at facts you have made assumptions that are like cotton candy.... Sugary sweetness but no substance.

Thanks for letting me know.


Anyone familiar with panentheism (literally “the world is included in God&rdquo😉? Spinoza, Hegel, and others are often so-called, and Alfred North Whitehead’s more recent (d. 1947) “evolutionary panentheism” is the basis of the Process Theology taught in today’s divinity schools. According to Whitehead, God’s primordial nature IS the reality of all future possibilities; God’s consequent nature IS the reality of the past (i.e., the past doesn’t fall into nonbeing but is “objectively immortal,” constituting God’s consequent nature), and God’s superjective nature, IS the present relevance of the future possibilities for each ever-superceding immediate past.


Yes. I'm sure.

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