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LINK Philosophize This! : Episode #143 ... Jürgen Habermas pt. 1 - The Public Sphere

I’ve heard endless harping and dogpiling on so-called Critical Theory from folks such as Boghossian, Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Coyne on how it allegedly connects to Wokeism and postmodernism. This whole obnoxious schtick seems to be pointed at stuff that isn’t really Critical Theory (Frankfurt style).

Given Boghossian’s promotion of Street Epistemology I would think Jurgen Habermas’s work something of benefit toward that project. Or at least acknowledge there is an entire arc with Habermas, Honneth, Jaeggi and others who aren’t in their current crosshairs.

At this point these new atheist opinion leaders are in full moral panic meltdown and ensnaring way too much bycatch.

Scott321 7 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm impressed by your big words....not!
And "atheist leaders" ???? Or did you mean to say, Much more accurately, "atheist thinkers"? And let's not fail to discuss "ensnaring way too much bycatch"....Do you mean like the cultured, intelligent dolphins that are drowned when dragnets snare them? And how would you compare their worth as opposed to, say, sardines? "Bycatch" is damned pejorative, ya know?


Thanks for the invite to the salon to discuss that thought provoking podcast. To rescue reason from post-modernity or anything else try education (enlightenment). Technological advances facilitate communicative rationality (main topic) concomitant democracy and reasoning (and freedom from superstition) rather than detracting from it as suggested in the podcast, while unfortunately also assisting the sale of opinion (media). Interactions are always influenced positively and negatively by self interest. Live to control (punchline of the podcast).

Thanks for your input. There is a certain irony in that local atheist groups seem to be revisiting the same Enlightenment spirit of a public sphere Habermas had studied in his early work. Some meetings take place in pubs and cafes. Habermas from what I grasp also put forward some ideal concept of lifeworld which can get corrupted by power and money. Not full bore culture industry of earlier Critical Theorists and much less pessimistic.

My post was kinda meta in that Critical Theory itself seems to be taking a bashing from opinion leaders (I’m sticking to that one). But perhaps dynamics of power and money are at play here too. There is a component of marketing and retooling the attack from the stale bogey of religion with diminishing returns towards a vaguely constructed culture war bogey that is far afield from the likes of Habermas, Honneth and their ilk. This is kinda annoying IMO. But it creates some unfortunate confusion amongst the followers of these opinion generators and diffusors. People should try to differentiate between Frankfurt, pomo, and wokeism (whatever that means) which are three quite distinct things. Whether anyone finds Habermas useful or not is irrelevant to that point.


Atheism doesn't have any leaders.




No time for bullshit.

I luuuv when big words are used to disguise little thoughts!

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