Was this all this predicted for us and 75 million trump voters fell in goose step with it???
I love well placed sarcasm, my style seems more like...
“You lying stupid fucktard, wake the fuck up, what are you like twelve years old! I’ve know fourth graders that know more about government then you!”
So obviously I’m no politician nor a fan of Qanon, or any other eat shit and bark at the moon crazy or stupid right wing bullshit. I remember when Reagan would say “trickle down” and all the stupid red necks in Alabama would orgasm, back at the beginning of the astonishing reign of Republican stupidity that still thinks it self viable despite blatant incompetence and profound voter ignorance.
It’s time for Republicans to go the way of the Wigs.
Maybe an actual conservative might have something to say instead of lying politicians that hide behind the label “conservative” to promote religion over law, which is illegal by the Constitution because it violates the separation of Church and State.
That’s all the RNC has been about, the destruction of our secular government. Rico should have put the entire mob of Republicans in fucking prison forty years ago.
I have not seen the juice media before. Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Gigi good to see you posting love.
@Willow_Wisp I crawl out from under my rock now and then.