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I ask all fair-minded American citizens to keep in mind concerning our right-wing, conservative friends--all our reactionary brothers and sisters everywhere--to keep in mind we have a heart, we WILL NOT ABONDON OUR FRIENDS, RELATIVES, COWORKERS. Just because we disagree, we are still Americans.
Yes or no?

Storm1752 8 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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i believe you erroneously posted! Most of us have heard godspeak, bullshit before and "reactionary"? 100%!!!

Then again just taking names is probably your goal


It isn't that we disagree. It's that they don't want to be Americans anymore.


They have abandoned us.


I find your question to be over-simplistic. You are all Americans by accident of birth or by naturalisation. I have no time for people who are intolerant of others when that intolerance is driven by their own defects of personality, this regardless of nationality.


There's right leaning and then there is batshit crazy. I have several that I have tried to introduce to alternate sources of news and information. Things will be quiet and then next thing ya know iit's fox, oann, newsmax or q posts.
Since Wednesday it has been quiet no outright nutter stuff. Sign. We'll see how it goes.
Having a discussion of the issues is great! I love a good discussion but like religion when there is no ability to cite a source other than saw it on fox or even stranger "That was not on fox". I just eye roll.
We'll just have to see how it goes.


I’ll be perfectly honest and say I’m going to have some trouble with this. I am a middle of the road political person but I lean left. As trump lied, stole, used America coiffures to his family’s benefit, made fun of the handicapped, called people childish names, denied everything he did that wasnt “kosher”, blamed Vo others for his short comings, pushed world leaders out of his way, praised communist leaders, tore up the rise garden, disparaged the White House, spent more days I on the golf coarse than he did working, gave rush Limbaugh a medal, fired anyone who disagreed with him.....I’m getting tired B of typing...those that enabled his bad behavior don’t deserve my love, my empathy, my kind regard.


Sadly, I submit that, not unlike in 1861, they have abandoned us by rejecting the lawful transition of power. Many are openly calling for secession.

Yes, we are all Americans, but the onus is on those who rejected the democratic system and the rule of law to surrender, admit defeat, admit the error of their ways, rehabilitate themselves, and return to the fold. Only then will we be in a position to act "with malice toward none; with charity for all." Right now there's more than enough malice to go around.

The ones I am dealing with in my small circle have not gone that far but I think they dream of being away from the socialists. Which when I ask them what is socialism they can not tell me.

@silverotter11 "It's taxing me to give money to illegal immigrants and welfare queens! Making me pay for abortions and sex change operations! Talk about socialism!"

It's become a blanket term for anything the Right doesn't like, an all-purpose smear for people who still vaguely remember that the third S in USSR stood for "Socialist". (Or the C in CCCP if you prefer.)


Yes we are, in all our glorious dysfunctionality!

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