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**The "Big Lie" of voter fraud is unalterably over.

It's as dead as Benghazi and the war on Christmas.

It's as dead as Trumps Presidency.**

That feeling you have in your gut right now; that's what inevitable consequences feels like.
I tell myself that mine is for friends and family, but really it's more for me.
My part in this is having a liberal opinion in a world full of conservatives and not being able to convince one of them that they're falling for fascism.
They want to be a hero, and the only heroes they know are in action movies and war stories, and they're almost all fascist.

Willow_Wisp 8 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Cop shows are the absolutely THE worst for spreading Fascism..Cops are part of the problem..not the solution.


The feelings deep down in your gut that those who could actually hinder or stop this Fascists coup d’Tat do not give a shit!!

It's Coup d'Estate

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