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Trump, who favors the garish, signed an Executive Order on Dec. 21, 2020, calling for a 'Classical Architecture Style' for all DC federal buildings. While also redefining who can not speak up for or against a building's design when buildings are up for "public" debate.

It defines the “general public” as members of the public who are NOT artists, architects, engineers, art or architecture critics, instructors or professors of art or architecture or members of the building industry.

From the American Institute Of Architects (AIA)---
"The AIA strongly opposes uniform style mandates for federal architecture. Architecture should be designed for the specific communities that it serves, reflecting our rich nation’s diverse places, thought, culture, and climates. Architects are committed to honoring our past as well as reflecting our future progress, protecting the freedom of thought and expression that are essential to democracy."

Washington Business Journal--
“The prospect of an executive order that would dictate an official style of architecture goes against our fundamental right as citizens to freely communicate by all mediums,” Michael Hickok, co-owner and principal of D.C. architecture firm Hickok Cole, said in a statement sent to the Washington Business Journal in February. “Architecture, like all art forms, is meant to capture a particular moment in time as a visual testimony by the people. A mandate that would promote uniformity and condemn diversity not only misrepresents the current state of this nation’s culture but the very democratic values it was built upon.”

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1962
"Design must flow from the architectural profession to the Government. and not vice versa."


StarvingArtist 7 Jan 16

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By the way , Pertaining to Any executive orders That Trump may have given , You can almost Just turn it around And do the opposite 2 Be morally and historically correct Has Trump has a knack Oh, as well as the Republican Party , Of going Against the facts Oh, the history Oh, and the science . How Could one party and one president be? Have we reached the nadir Of this party ? And will the Republican Party Implode on itself , Or Will ignorance dominate The rest of human existence And The future of politics in this country ? I hope the former .


I agree with Patrick Moynihan Wholeheartedly. This is a country Of the people for the People by the people Not for a sector of the people .


Yet another copy cat move by the wanna be dictator. Hitler did exactly the same thing early in his dictatorship. Not only were the buildings (under his prime architect, Albert Speer - when I lived in Heidelberg he was actually a neighbor of mine) modeled after Roman architecture but even all the writings had to be the old German style and most street signs were replaced. The buffoon can't even come up with something original and signing the order near the end of his tenure just shows how s l o w he is.


As much as I highly dislike Trump, that is how much low confidence I have in Biden that he would reverse Trump's wrongs. Biden wants to be Mr. Nice Guy. He wants a legacy and therefore, Trump and his followers' menace will continue.

We are all hopeful but I will bet that Trump's followers may even turn some blue states red in 2022. We do not have their motivation, drive, funding, and hunger to win.

Why did it need Stacey Abrams to make a difference in Georgia? What was the fatly funded DNC doing for decades and what the heck NAACP was doing about black voter mobilization, voter rights, voter roll purges, voter suppression for decades?


What would Howard Roark do?

I was thinking more that Roark would refuse to be constrained by imposed classicism plus his tendency toward indignation ( eg- terrorism) and long winded speeches.

Ironically didn’t Trump think himself as a Roark? Silly men both.


“Trump described himself as an Ayn Rand fan. He said of her novel The Fountainhead, “It relates to business (and) beauty (and) life and inner emotions. That book relates to … everything.” He identified with Howard Roark, the novel’s idealistic protagonist who designs skyscrapers and rages against the establishment... Roark is a self-involved architectural genius who dynamites a public housing project he designed because its builders did not follow his blueprint.”


It must have taken every ounce of willpower for Cooper to deliver this Randroid screed:

Easily refuted (by a lawyer):


He's a grandiose, self-important asshole. He needs excised from our government and truth needs to be exposed as to everything he's done.


So glad he is taking care of the most critical American challenges on his way out. And he calls everyone snowflakes.


Watch how Pelosi won't care about this OBSCENITY by 45....she only cares to force lies covering up the BidenS crime families corruption like hers..... thankyou for citing Senator Moynihan from the era of ETHICAL PUBLIC SERVANTs when Pelosi was nursing babies


This comes from a man who's only taste is in his mouth. While I have seen some ugly building, some of the most garish have been trump properties.


Another stumbling block made by Trump that needs to be reversed.

@StarvingArtist I wonder if Biden couldn't just get a list of Trump executive orders together and sign a single executive order reversing them all at once, rather than having to do it one by one? It would seem like a great time-saver. He could probably even have an intern or someone draw up the list. That would be good experience.

Heck, I'll draft the order for him right now, email it to the White House on 21 January. It can be my resume, show how efficent and forward-thinking I am.


It defines the “general public” as members of the public who are NOT artists, architects, engineers, art or architecture critics, instructors or professors of art or architecture or members of the building industry.

In other words, if you actually know anything about the topic, your opinion is not wanted. Trump knows more about architecture than anybody, anyway. Well, that's this administration in a nutshell.

This has always been Trump's pattern. He always seems to appoint someone who either dislikes the institution or knows nothing about it.

@Lorajay His followers supposedly wanted him to shake up the bureaucracy (which I don't in principle disagree with, nothing wrong with a good shake from time to time). What we got was an outright assault on the profession of governing and anyone who knew anything about administering and managing the largest democracy in the world.

You can see the result in how we handled the pandemic. Chaos, inaction, contradiction, finger-pointing, amateurism, and ultimately disaster.

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