Today feels like New Years Day. Optimistic, full of possibilities. We have finally come out of a long dark tunnel.
We are in for a four year reprieve, at best. The new administration, whether headed by Biden or Harris during the next four years, will continue to trade away our jobs, neglect the economic displacement and pauperizing of working class whites, as well as non-whites, of the lower classes, cut taxes for the rich and corporations, and try to balance that with lots of Obama type happy talk about unity, racial equality, and other identity politics to try to win enough votes in four years to overcome the loss of votes from working class whites. It won't work, and, no matter how many colored people turn out to vote, the next Repub prez candidate will win by the same electoral college margin as Biden won this time.
I also predict that in two years the Dems will lose control of both the House and the Senate, so we will see Obama era type gridlock for the last two years of the current presidential term.
We are not entirely out of the tunnel.
Those we elect to public office will still get offers from people who want something, and if they accept those offers they will become our predators.
In the 17 or 18 states whose constitutions provide the direct initiative, referendum and recall, voters can minimize the harm the predators do. I’m happy to have lived most of my voting years in three such states. Arizona was one of them.
Source: Search on “arizona ballot measures” and you can see much of its political history. Cheers.