Today is Angela Davis' birthday. Happy birthday! I attended two of her protest events in Germany.
The Rolling Stones loved her, too.
Sweet Black Angel
She used to be so radical. Nowadays she sells out, caves, and tells people to vote for corrupt Dem pols.
That is an interesting view.
@Spinliesel It's just the honest truth. She used to be a communist, a Black Panther, and someone who helped break another Panther out of prison. A far cry from someone telling people to vote for lesser evil Dems that take corporate money and work against the working class and poor people.
@TomMcGiverin OR--perhaps she's lived long enough to realize that compromise can be more effective than violence and working within the system beats communism any day.
@LucyLoohoo You compromise enough and eventually you become no different than the corrupt mainstream pols. This now includes Bernie Sanders, who regularly caves to the establishment Dems so he can get committee assignments in the Senate, where he still is unable to actually do anything for the people. AOC has also sold out and cannot be counted on to stand up to Pelosi's corrupt policies. These two should have left the Dem Party and built a real People's Party.