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Trump the peace maker, Biden the war monger?

Why Biden installing Obama-era hawks in senior roles and preparing to fire up the War Machine again is very bad news for Syrians []

The concluding paragraph may well be ironic -
"We should prepare for a turbulent future in the region under Joe Biden. Democrat or Republican, the road map is the same. The only difference lies in the methods used to bring a recalcitrant nation to heel." if you identify the "recalcitrant nation" to be America.

FrayedBear 9 Jan 26

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Now that's FAKE news

As fake as your intelligence.

@FrayedBear You seem to know where I get my news from. I don't remember telling you. But it's good to see that you Admit your News is FAKE.
"As fake as your intelligence."

@dermot235 now if you had quoted this -
I would say that you have produced some push against the veracity of the authors information. You didn't but thank you for your opinion - it may be correct it may be worthless.


A "recalcitrant nation"..... Yep, that's us. Its considered to be a positive piece of the American mythos. I rather revel in the synonyms associated with this somewhat "uppity" term. 😎🍷👌

Nov 26, 2020 3:48 PM
We all knew that the ‘War on Terror‘, which was introduced following the mass murders on 9/11, was an American affaire. So when we can see that the Covid operation uses the same script writers, the same mental torture & blackmail, why don’t people see that this ‘War on Viruses’, as declared by Macron at the very start of the operation, is also an American affaire? ‘The war on Drugs’, the ‘War on Climate’, the ‘War on Alcohol’ from the 30s, were all American idiocies and all framed as semi-religious crusades. Owing much to their psychopathic-financial-religious-puritanical ideology based around, the preeminent American philosopher, Disney’s depiction of the war between ‘good and evil’."

I like it Bear.
Nothing gets our blood up like declaring "war" on someone or something. Those of us raised in the mythos of drum beating patriotism seem to enjoy it.
I'm certaintly one of those indoctrinated at an early age... and have thrived in this environment. Is this a bad thing? I'm not one to dispassionately judge it.

@bigpawbullets obviously not & even to the extent that it may result in the extermination of humanity as I've just suggested to you elsewhere.

Ive confidence in our species ability to survive and thrive.

@bigpawbullets not if radio activity is unleashed in apoplectic quantities by America, Israel, Russia and China.

Nonsense. We just need to hold off nuking everyone until Elon Musk gets his Mars ships sorted out.
And us Pepper Conservatives have our private secret bunkers stocked with Spam, Hostess cakes of various types, and the ever popular MREs to lounge in. We'll be fine!


"RT". That's all anyone needs to know about this post.

Nov 26, 2020 3:48 PM
We all knew that the ‘War on Terror‘, which was introduced following the mass murders on 9/11, was an American affaire. So when we can see that the Covid operation uses the same script writers, the same mental torture & blackmail, why don’t people see that this ‘War on Viruses’, as declared by Macron at the very start of the operation, is also an American affaire? ‘The war on Drugs’, the ‘War on Climate’, the ‘War on Alcohol’ from the 30s, were all American idiocies and all framed as semi-religious crusades. Owing much to their psychopathic-financial-religious-puritanical ideology based around, the preeminent American philosopher, Disney’s depiction of the war between ‘good and evil’."

Here are the first 4 articles that my search engine brings up when I enquire for "Obama-era hawks" -

Wake up to your ignorance & indoctrination.

And the next 4 removing the Australian bias in the search -

Nice conditioned response. But then there's Vanessa Beeley and why she uses RT and various other means to get her work out into the public. When you figure out the reasons she can't get airtime on our MSCM shows, or able to print in our newspapers, you'll begin to find a real sense of reality.

But then maybe you just agree with our killing machine within the colonialism and perpetual warring program? That also was the reasoning behind the essential murder of nearly 10,000 American men and women in a false manufactured war in Iraq and unwinnable war in both Iraq and Afghanistan. 10's of thousands maimed and mentally distressed now don't bother you either? If you do care, what she reveals should be of grave concern.

What happens if Biden goes full psycho again and send us into a full blown war there? You're reply might be, it's good for the MIC? More dead Americans and towel heads are good for ruling class profit? And our comfortable living standards?


Politicains often start off with good intentions, then get owned by their real owners, corporatioism.

IMO the only good polly is one who has been dead for 50 years. And then only good because of the length of time has healed most wounds & memories.

'Ello Mr. Polly Parrot

@LenHazell53 ROFL
There are many things that John Cleese does not deserve applauding for. This is not one of them. And so it is with dead polticians. They should all be applauded.


If true, then at least Biden won't be making a deal to build hotels out of the rubble created by weapons he brokered so he can have a future bolt hole in which to shag porn stars and Russian specialist sex workers at the US tax payers expense.


"A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist"
Sir Humphrey Appleby


Donald Trump is the biggest piece of shit that ever held the office of president. Vladimir Putin is the biggest piece of shit period. Stop getting your news from him and you'll know what your talking about. Bashar al-Assad is s fucking piece of shit too.

According you lot so was Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Arafat & of course Chavez, Castro & Allende - all of whose crimes pale into insignificance compared to those pepetrated by Americans in the last 140 years or so.
How's your cognitive dissonance Joe? Being rattled by revelations that Trump was not wrong with some of his accusations & revelations? Hence continued virulence to support your beliefs? It seems to me that you still believe the myth of the worm in the bottle of Mezcal.

@altschmerz According to America one was a communist & the other a terrorist.
Of course I am disparaging of American claims because all supposed crimes by the named people pale into insignificance when compared to American crimes.

I am just morbidly curious but when you mention Salvador Allende but not General Pinochet, I wonder is a Marxist perhaps worse than a fascist in your eye?

"Donald Trump is the biggest piece of shit that ever held the office of president. Vladimir Putin is the biggest piece of shit period. "

That sir is an insult to wholesome excrement everywhere, shit at least serves a useful purpose.

@LenHazell53 you seem to be reading the opposite of what I write. I do not consider " Gadaffi, Bin Laden, Hussein, Arafat & of course Chavez, Castro & Allende ", to use barJoe's terminology, "shit" and definitely not shit when compared to the American atrocities. Sadly the cognitive dissonance is worst when the brain cannot accept that it is deluding itself, so is projecting & gaslighting onto others (in these cases patriots) behaviours in order to justify their own atrocities.

@FrayedBear I stand corrected, and yes of course the USA would consider a socialist worse than a fascist, after all they have never elected a socialist as president.

@LenHazell53 I think that history will not share your views of Trump or Putin. Trump will be recognised as a failure unable to execute his assertions & drain the swamp or achieve MAGA. Putin will be recognised for having maintained peace in the face of continuing American aggression & dishonesty. Imagine if he had firstly engineered the dissolution of the USA into constituent states & then persuaded Michigan to do as Ukraine has to Russia?

@FrayedBear Consider yourself completely indoctrinated by Russia Today.

@FrayedBear Moamar Qadafffii, Osama Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, Yassar Arafat and President al Assad are all Islamic Terrorists. Salvatore Allende and Hugo Chavez were progressive socialists. Don't put words in my mouth just because RT puts ideas in your brain.

@altschmerz Yes he was and Palestinian terrorists are jihadists.

@LenHazell53 FDR

@altschmerz it's amazing that if I were to condemn Xtian alt-right violence like we saw January 6, you would say nothing, you'd agree. When I dare to condemn Radical Islamic Terrorism, you go berserk. PLO Al-Fatah was a terrorist group. Islam is the most hateful in a world of hateful religions. Fanatical violent murderers and you defend them. These are the same savage animals that danced in the streets of East Jerusalem on 9/11. They were PLO. Yes! Yassar Arafat was a piece of shit and a Radical Islamic Terrorist. Think I give a shit if you give a thumbs down? At least I'm not an apologist for Moslems dressed up like an atheist.

@barjoe Yes FDR was "a socialist" in the same way Attila the Hun was "a bit temperamental"

FDR established WPA an government infrastructure process National Recovery Act, Social Security, NLRB, he supported trade unions. Basically Len, stay I your own lane. FDR for his time was the most progressive and in my opinion the best president this nation has ever had. But for the Republican party and his untimely death the US would have socialized medicine. Almost every social program in this country was established by Franklin Roosevelt.

@altschmerz I don't know if you're a American, if you are, you're a disgrace. If you're not, I'm not surprised. All your profile says is that you're from Over the Rainbow. Palestinians have never sought a peaceful solution, only violent Intifada. I have zero sympathy for them.

@altschmerz, @barjoe, @LenHazell53 the maps say it all:



@barjoe and

@FrayedBear Shaam Times, Syrian State press. SGT Reports, James Perloff a fascist Covid denier? Ron Paul Institute? You're more indoctrinated that I thought. Stick with RT, you're better off.

@altschmerz I'm not ignorant and I'm not "America First" that was 1940s pro Nazi group. I'm just not a hater of America, like you. You're a keyboard warrior. An anonymous Anti American. I'm Joe Arrow, I live in Philadelphia, not "Over the Rainbow" You can find me if you want me. I'm not a Zionist, but I can't remember the last time Zionists ran planes into any American buildings, blew up a school bus, set of an IED that killed American soldiers. I can't remember the last time Jews shot up a church, military base, shopping mall. They pose no threat to me. Palestinians and Arabs do all those things.

@FrayedBear That is so incorrect and you are a moron. Post pro Arab shit all you want. It doesn't make it any less bullshit.

@barjoe funny how the new jewish owner of the supposedly plane bombed building was not at home whenit happened?

@barjoe Your response is hardly unexpected from a citizenof a country that cannot even pay reparation to millions of its citizens for the inhumane crimes committed - think black & white slavery, think internment, think economic slavery. Let alone reparations to Japan, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Chile, Syria, Palestine, West Papua, East Timor, Venezuela, Brazil, Libya, Russia, Italy . . .

@barjoe I never said that FDR was a bad president, and I agree with almost all that you say, but pushing political definitions to the point where the point they stop bending and threaten to break, FDR could be described as a failed but well intentioned democratic socialist.
The true test of socialism is how the people are cared for, and the failure to bring about and make his first priority universal health care and the curbing of the power of commercial medicine and pharmacology disqualifies FDR from being considered an orthodox socialist.

But thank you for your post and your eloquent defence of a great man.

@FrayedBear Russia? lol. Have you heard of the Marshall Plan? The US helped rebuild Europe. USSR enslaved Eastern Europe and that's a fact.

@FrayedBear "funny how the new jewish owner of the supposedly plane bombed building was not at home whenit happened?"

What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like an ignorant bigot. You always tell me you go to the bar. Sounds like you've been to the Putsch.

@barjoe I recall reading that the owner of the building detroyed was Jewish and unusually not there when it happened. Furthermore the two publications discuss Silverstein's involvement. Others discuss the $billions of profit that he made, you can find them yourself.
Most curious was your mention of "Pitsch". The search engine produced many links to their "passings", their connection to surgery and strangely demolition but nothing to do with bars. Wtf are you on about Joe?


@barjoe & you heard how America unnecessarily slaughtered tens of thousands by fire bombing Cologne & Dresden. It was pure terrorism on a scale not previously imagined against unarmed civilians.

@FrayedBear The Nazis brought it upon themselves. You sound like you would've been quite happy living in the Third Reich.

@barjoe no American petty vindictiveness brought it upon both Nazis & Japanese.

@barjoe Apart from the benefits of employment, pride in national accomplishment, nationalised medical care, autobahns, the VW, paid holidays you're damn right I would not have been "quite happy living in the Third Reich". Well spotted Joe! Very erudite.

@FrayedBear You are either extremely misinformed or a Nazi sympathizer. You should check out That's where all the Nazis hang out. You'd fit in just fine.

@barjoe talk about indoctrinated. Nice conditioned response.

@William_Mary How am I supposed to respond to someone who praises the Third Reich?

@barjoe how did you respond when you found out the westernized countries, including the US government, corporations, and banking institutes, funded and helped the rise of Hitler and his military after ignoring a treaty not to allow them to build a military again? How did you respond when Obama and Biden helped to overthrow a democratically elected government in Ukraine and then install a fascist government? How did you respond when our fascist elements went to Ukraine to train under those fascist in Ukraine and bring it back home to the US? You should be more worried about the Forth Reich in your own country.

@William_Mary Ukraine is not a fascist country. The Russian Federation is. RT is misinformation. Joe Biden is a good man. The Fourth Reich was almost brought about by DONALD FUCKING TRUMP and Neo Nazi militia pieces of shit who should be lined up against a wall and shot.

@barjoe "RT is misinformation"

You know this from experience or the rhetoric we get from our own misinformation machine of MSCM? If from experience, how are you able to recognize misinformation from RT but yet not from your own home sources?

Do you even know the writer of the article, Vanessa Beeley, who has a few years behind her of debunking the false Syrian narratives of that war and chemical attacks spoken by our MSCM's and westernized governments. Exposing the White Helmets as the terrorist collaborators they are? If you did it might lead you towards understanding why her work is presented on RT and other outlets who provide her with a platform to expose her journalism. When our MSCM sources don't allow the truths she exposes on their platforms to a point they fear giving her a chance to be seen and heard as it goes against the grain of ruling class agendas. Much like many Americans who use RT America as a platform to do their work.

RT as a whole provides a completely different view of world politics and social issues without the need to manufacture demonization of people and other countries to condition their watchers and or readers. Being I don't see any substance from you to provide a validity to your claim of misinformation towards either the article or RT, I'm compelled to go with useless false rhetoric.

@William_Mary Never heard of her, but I googled and instantly got the following
Vanessa Beeley is a British activist and blogger. She is known for sharing conspiracy theories and disinformation about the Syrian civil war and about the Syrian volunteer organisation the White Helmets
That's why she is a contributor for Russia Today! MSM? You mean legitimate news sources? I guess I should read RT, Brietbart, InfoWars and the Epoch Times.

@barjoe I would advocate RT for you. The others are merely the right side of a collaborate establishment divisional tribalism.

If you'll actually read some articles on all the issues you brought up I'll spend time collecting them for you from other good dissenting views of independent journalist. I run a group on here based on dissent of empire building using sources outside of MSCM. I'll argue they provide more detailed factual information than you're probably use to. But it takes critical thought to weigh against what you're seemingly use to.

2 sites that also back up Beeley's work in Syria which one has some or her work on it. And extensive Ukraine work which our MSCM barely touched. If you actually don't see the fascist entity within Ukraine it's simply must be because you don't know the history of the country, or you're being deceptive. That's fine though. I spend a ton of time doing this shit to know for my group and have been doing it for several years. You probably don't realize that 80% of our MSCM information is create by public relation firms either, and then handed down to them as script. Peter Phillips goes into this with Abby Martin as they talk about his book -- Giants: Who Really Rules The World? I suggest watching the entire discussion. I took the liberty of catching the time he's about to go into public relation firms for you though. You can find some of Beeley's work at []
You can also find a lot on Ukraine at this site and here [] I'd suggest this for a first read [] Ukraine has a long history of fascism and is probably the fastest trending fascist state going today along with it trending in Germany again today. If you genuinely would like some help with certain types of read along the lines we discussed let me know.

@William_Mary Ukraine is historically totalitarian including when it was part of USSR and post Soviet Ukraine but PM Groysman and President Zalensky are pro democracy. The current Ukraine government is not fascist. In my opinion Russian Federation is a fascist country. I don't support Russian policy in Syria and although Russia Today has some quality journalists, they push the Putin agenda. They are a state sponsored news service.

@Frayedbear a Nazi???? I'm confident he's not.
He's not listed as a member of the NSPA.

@bigpawbullets He praised the Third Reich and said he'd have been happy living there. I don't know his real name. How am I supposed to be sure he's not listed by NSPA? Not that someone's absence on that list precludes them from being a Nazi sympathizer. I fear that he is one.

I missed his Third Reich praise. I've corresponded with Bear frequently. He's got an "eclectic" sense of humor. I seriously doubt he adheres to Naziism.

@bigpawbullets I like Fred but he does disturb me sometimes. He apparently thinks 9/11 was an inside job and he said it on this thread, with an Anti-Semitic edge to it. Not good.
"funny how the new jewish owner of the supposedly plane bombed building was not at home whenit happened?"

@bigpawbullets thank you (from fascist accusation)

Well, we're both grumpy old men Bear. 😄
Nationalism is not a synonym for Nazisim.

@bigpawbullets, @barjoe Joe get your effing brains out of the mash will you. Why can you not recognise the good that resulted in Germany? FFS you haven't in your own country got nationalised health service - it was introduced about 100 years ago in Germany along with abhorrence of artificial and contaminated food. Recognising that benefit, the autobahn and VW does not however make me a fascist. You are reading the wrong comics, watching the wrong TV and totally masturbating your brain too much Joe.
Lol, I've just spent two hours researching 18th century dialect poetry and come back to this diatribe of yours! And you claim to have gone to university?

@FrayedBear Post War Germany. Good things have happened in Post War Germany. Nothing good came from the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich. Maybe good came from the aftermath but that was the doing of George Marshall and General Eisenhower. The Eastern block was a good thing, even though history trashes FDR. It prevented Germany from being unified too soon after WWII. There has always been a large fascist contingent in the United States, we just haven't gotten to be a fascist state. Yet. I know plenty of ignorant people who are college educated, so don't use that as a barometer. I don't think because I'm appalled by bigotry that makes me brain mashed. There's a lot of problems in the United States, I don't deny it. I was born and raised in USA and in too short a time, I will most likely die here. Hopefully future generations will have it better. That will be because of people like Joe Biden, not Donald Trump.

@barjoe you can't give up can you. I despair for you Joe.

@FrayedBear Just explaining my brain mash.

@barjoe brain mash ie. Whisky & or beer.

@barjoe equally you could have just said "it's my national indoctrination. I can't get out of the cognitive dissonance it creates."

@FrayedBear You claim to be an nationalist. I am not xenophobic but I love my country. Shouldn't I? That makes me brainwashed? I'm way out on the fringe because I don't support Hitler? I won't admit to any redeeming qualities. Sue me. If that is cognitive dissonance I plead guilty. .

Whoa! Whiskey????? I'M IN!!!! 😎🥃🥃🥃

@bigpawbullets you would! 😱😁😁😉

So.... here's a question I've been mulling over today while the cats and I have been hiding from the housekeeper.
Nationalism seems to have negative connotations for several posters here in this discussion. Numerous examples have been listed of United States, and Germany as well as others engaging in actions considered barbaric and unjust. I cannot deny that the United States participates in activities that are detrimental to other nations.
Now, can someone point out a Nation, which at notime in it's history, has done the same?

@bigpawbullets Nazism not nationalism.

I've the impression some folks here consider those terms synonyms Joe. Which I feel is unfortunate.

@bigpawbullets Me! White Nationalism and Nazism are synonymous. Same people.

Joe, is "White Nationalism" a political party or group? Or are you using this as a more general term....

I found this via Google. It would appear that "White Nationalism" is more of a political/terrorist group. So, yes, these folk are more like Nazis. But I was referring to Nationalism in a broader sense.


@bigpawbullets There is a difference between being nationalistic and nationalism. Nationalism is quite similar to Gingoism. Being nationalistic is more like being patriotic.

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