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Favored Movie Clips?

Give us a few minutes of one (or some) of your favorite films, preferably a scene that you specifically enjoy. Put links in comments. I'll plug a few in myself.

Anemynous 7 Apr 13

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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension... Probably my favorite 80's Sci-Fi. Every clip I looked at gave a totally different impression of the film.. it jumps all over the place. So I just went with this shorty. You may not have seen this movie... but I bet you've heard this line from it:


one of my favorite movie clips is from the gradute ,where dustin hoffman says to anne bancroft,
mrs robinson your trying to seduce me!!


Wihtout seeign the whoel movie this clip isn't quite as funny, but still, the diea of a dentist (steave Martin) beign a addist, enoujntering a massochist patient (Bill Murray) is my favortie scene from teh movie "Little Shop of Horrors".


I've watched this movie SO many times and NEVER get tired of it.


This was, in my opinion, one of Russel Crowe's best performances.

At one point in my life I had watched this movie so many times I could recite all of this man's scenes verbatim. Probably my favorite character from any movie, ever.

Being a movie nerd, I could do this all day. But I'll keep it short and end it with one of my favorite historical badasses...

Hells yes!


This is my fave film of all time

I would have posted something from The Thing, too, but I had already posted so many lol

its ok I did it for you.

I love The Thing. Best John Carpenter film.


The Dawn of Man from 2001. This chapter has always been in my top 3 favorites of all time. It’s fucking beautiful.
Coincidentally, I read this chapter from Arthur C Clarke to my son in that fucking hospital. This is the last story that my son and I shared. Therein lies all of humanity. It holds the deepest of meaning to me.


Here are a few of my favourites:

"Gimmee da fuckin keys you cock sucka...what tha fuck!" I say that line all the time for random reasons. Del Toro' s stole that movie with that role!

@SinCityHeathen I like the delivery Verbal Kint gives to the line up - "give me the keys, you fucking cocksucker".

@Palindromeman This movie was just awesome from beginning to end.


surprised you didn't add this in. My favorite scene along with the interrogation and line up.

Obviously I dig Kubrick. Ermey was great in Full Metal Jacket. With his experience, he brought a tremendously real quality to the film.


Peter Sellers was fantastic in Dr. Strangelove, I enjoy multiple characters played by one in the same production.
The whole point of a doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret

There, put the right link on

I almost posted this, thank you!

@Lincster45 so good 🙂


As long as y’all are on a Jack kick, The Shining was so good, but they fucked with Shelley Duvall hard while filming this. Great film, though.


The Evil Dead has a place in me, too.


An explanation of the scene from Five Easy Pieces...


Five Easy Pieces


There's not a scene in this whole movie that I don't absolutely love...

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 14, 2018

Good choice! The Coen Brothers have many fine films their names.

And I'm a fan of almost all of them.

I LOVE this movie! Just the music makes it worth it.


Brazil - Directed by Terry Gilliam


I love me some David Lynch.


My favorite part from Waking Life.

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